Suppose that the charge of the proton is uniformly distributed on a sphere of radius R = 2 x 10-15 m. Compute the change in the ionization energy of the ground state of the hydrogen atom. You can use me~ 0.5 MeV and ħ= 200 MeV fm, e² ≈ 1/137.

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Our experts need more information to provide you with a solution. The initial state of the atom is required to find the change in ionization energy. Please resubmit your question, making sure it's detailed and complete. We've credited a question to your account.
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Suppose that the charge of the proton is uniformly distributed on a sphere
of radius R = 2 x 10-15 m. Compute the change in the ionization energy
of the ground state of the hydrogen atom. You can use me~ 0.5 MeV and
ħ= 200 MeV fm, e² ≈ 1/137.
Transcribed Image Text:Suppose that the charge of the proton is uniformly distributed on a sphere of radius R = 2 x 10-15 m. Compute the change in the ionization energy of the ground state of the hydrogen atom. You can use me~ 0.5 MeV and ħ= 200 MeV fm, e² ≈ 1/137.