Transgender Essay

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    and endurance which are all characteristics of a great athlete. Many transgender individuals choose to undergo hormone therapy to help change their appearance into looking more feminine or masculine. However, in the case of transgender athletes who desire to compete in the Olympics, the IOC has required male-to-female athletes to undergo two years of hormone treatment in

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    United States Government will not accept or allow Transgender individuals to serve in any capacity in the U.S. Military. Our military must be focused on decisive and overwhelming victory, and cannot be burdened with tremendous medical costs and disruptions that transgenders in the military would entail. Thank you.” This statement left me with more of a questions than answers, and it became necessary to research the information. How does being transgender make our military forces less focused? How does

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    Discrimination of transgender people has been in the news more lately than it was before, society is now at a cross roads of deciding how to respond to transgender people in ways we never have had to before. One of the issues people have being able to use the bathroom they identify with most. This issue is very large, and hard to find a common ground on. The essay written by David Halperin, Is There A History In Sexuality? discusses issues in society accepting sexuality and the problems that we face

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    Thesis Statement: The terms “Transgender, gay, and lesbian” has made their way around the world, fast. American’s have turned these terms into a household conversation. According to, there are about 700,000 plus estimated people that identify themselves as transgender gay, and lesbian in the United States. All people deserve love and happiness no matter the race, sexual preference, or religious views. My argument on this topic is that everybody deserves love,

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    There are many people who use the argument of tradition and religion to go against people who are transgender. Rick Scarborough, chairman of Tea Party Unity said that laws that help and protect transgender people are "forcing Bible-believing Christians to deny their faith rather than inconvenience cross-dressing, gender-confused adults," which isn’t the case at all. Transgender people don’t have intentions of changing the religious beliefs of other people, the only intention they have is changing

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    who identify as transgender, but for most people are still unsure how to accurately define these individuals, and find their place in society. Transgender individuals have the body of one gender, but believe themselves to be of the other gender. The sociological definition of sex is defined as a biological categorization based on reproductive organs, while gender is defined as a social classification based on ones identity, sexual behavior, and interaction with others. Transgender bodies disrupt this

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    physical pain is present in unsafe. Transgender is not new, the rights of transgender people is what is new to society, particularly in America. Recently the debt for gender natural bathrooms and if transgender people should be allowed to use the restroom of their preference. This debate is about legal rights, safety concern, budget and flows over locker rooms. This controversy over bathrooms

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    Essay on Transgender in Sports

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    Scholars have been critical of the medical establishment’s and state’s involvement in constructing and policing of transgender identity. These kinds of pressing issues have occupied the small existing literature. There is not much information and studying what is being done on transgender in traditional areas, family studies research, such as their dating behavior and formation of intimate relationships in adulthood. There is little research on the

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    Transgender Rights Memo

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    restroom? If you’re like the majority of the population, this answer is most likely not at all. Frustratingly enough, not everyone has the privilege to say the same. In the United States, at least 0.3% of our population is comprised of transgender individuals. Of whom struggle with numerous discriminatory laws. Although this is not a large number it doesn’t justify these acts. On March 23, North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory passed a law that is being considered the largest step back

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    The Supreme Court has agreed to hear the case involving a transgender teen who is fighting for the right to use the bathroom of the opposite sex at her high school. Gavin Grimm, 17, is a student at Gloucester High School in Virginia, and was allowed to use boys' restroom by her school in 2014, which she did for seven weeks. However after receiving complaints from parents, the school prohibited her from using male bathroom and required her to avail single stall or female restroom instead. Grimm

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