Anti-personnel mine

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    Motorolla, a multinational telecommunication company was involved in selling electronic parts to mine manufacturers, indirectly contributing to the deaths caused by anti-personnel landmines. Back in January 1996, the news broadcasting Motorola’s semiconductor chip being found in a Chinese-made landmine in Cambodia spurred public debate over the company’s ethical code of conduct (HRW, 1997). Anti-personnel mines are explosive weapons built to harm and kill enemies, they are placed just below the grounds

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    of Anti-Personnel Mines and on their Destruction. It is this last treaty that has been the subject of much international attention in the last few years. That attention was generated through a multitude of causes including: the

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    Jennifer Womble POLS 486 Dr. Switky The ways and reasons land mines are used has changed dramatically since WW1. What was once considered to be cutting edge defensive technology has turned into an offensive tactical device and extremist’s tool to wreak havoc on an enemy or marginalized population. Connecting the history of landmines to the conflicts we have discussed in this class will take several steps. The first part of this paper will discuss the history of landmines, how they are detonated

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    helped abolish standing armies and promotes peace of congress. Jodie Williams, the Nobel Peace Prize recipient of 1997, receive this prize for defense of human rights, efforts in promoting security in modern times, and her achievements in banning anti personnel landmines. Jodie Williams grew up in Brattleboro, Vermont, USA, as one of five children. Her youngest brother greatly influenced her to go into humanity work later in life because he was deaf and schizophrenic.Williams attended numerous collages

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  • Decent Essays

    1. Distinguish between a) Legal, Moral and Customary Rights. A legal right is one that is enforceable by law. Any citizen and can discover these rights. They can validly be argued in court and generally take preference to other rights. Moral rights are those that particular groups believe are right and just. They are generally derived from religion and reflect the values and attitudes of the group that holds them. Usually the moral rights held by the majority of the population are closely reflected

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  • Satisfactory Essays

    North Mara mine suffered great human rights abuses under its predecessor, Canada’s Placer Dome. Lissu, who has been jailed for anti-mining activism, claims that Bar- rick’s security operatives at the North Mara mine have since been linked to six violent deaths and that the killings are part of a strategy to silence mine critics. Most of the conflict arises over whether the local tradition of alluvial mining became illegal under arrangements and contracts held by the Porgera gold mine. ATA claimed

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    infantry weapons, booby traps, and anti-aircraft were not around. Only until the start of the war, we began to see an advancement in equipment. These improvements have altered the lives of citizens both on a large and a small scale. The Vietnam war was a lengthy war that lasted for approximately 20 years. The war was between northern and southern Vietnam against communist beliefs. Northern Vietnam was pro-communism and so were its allies Viet Cong. Southern Vietnam was anti-communist and was allied with

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    cliffs above. Beach obstacles included concrete cones, angled poles with mines attached to them, and sharply angled steel trails. Emplaced in the sand and shale were anti-tank and anti-personnel mines, barbed and concertina wire. In the cliffs above the Germans had emplaced bunkers, machine gun nests, tank turrets, and connecting tunnels. German defense weapons included 35 pill boxes, 60 light artillery pieces, 18 anti-tank guns, 85 machine gun emplacements, 38 rocket emplacements, and the basic

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    The cost to diffuse just one landmine ranges between $300 and $1000, where at minimum the government is losing almost ten thousand percent of what they spent for the landmine (Khamis par. 3). In Song for Night, My Luck, a child soldier who diffuses mines, describes how his job “requires [him] to concentrate on every second of [his] life as though it were the last” (Abani 11). My Luck explains the rigor and danger of defusing a landmine, and supports how the cost should be so high because people’s lives

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  • Decent Essays

    society. It is a goal and an essential part of my life.” (Princess Diana). Princess Diana was only a Princess for 16 years, but during that time she spent many hours making the world a better place. What she was most known for, was her work with land mines and her work on behalf of AIDS patients. She saw the world's issues and instead of sitting there, she decided to make a difference. Princess Diana did many amazing things that helped people open up their eyes up to the many problems of the world

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