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    “Bulimia” Have you ever looked at the cover of a magazine and seen a beautiful woman that just looked so thin, and thought “How in the world did she get that way?” Well like me I’m sure millions of girls have wondered the same thing. Many of them becoming self-conscious, what with our society placing so much emphasis on being thin in order to be attractive. But how thin is too thin? Many girls in this country use some kind of diet or exercise plan but, others take it too far. Bulimia is exactly

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  • Good Essays

    Bulimia nervosa, also called bulimia is a possible life threating eating disorder. A person that suffers from bulimia may secretly binge their food. They may eat large amount of food and then purge their food to get rid of the additional calories that they’ve digested. Bulimia is categorized in two ways, purging bulimia and non-purging bulimia. Purging bulimia is when a person regularly self-induces vomiting after eating. Non-purging bulimia is when an individual may use other methods to try to

    • 820 Words
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  • Decent Essays

    Battling Bulimia

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    Battling Bulimia? This Is What It Can Do To Your Teeth Bulimia is a serious condition where you constantly alternate between gorging on food and then vomiting it back up. It can destroy your health because of the lack of nutrition your body receives. Bulimia is also very hard on your teeth. As part of your recovery from bulimia, you'll need to work closely with your dentist to repair damage to your gums and teeth in order to restore your oral health. Here's what you need to know about bulimia and dental

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  • Decent Essays

    Away With Bulimia

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    Wasting Away with Bulimia Eating disorders can affect any and every person in today’s society. Men, Women, young and old. Bulimia has not one preferred victim, Bulimia can affect us all. In today’s society being fit is in. “The thinner the better”, “The skinnier the prettier” “Nothing taste as good as skinny feels” those are just some of the clichés we hear on the day to day basis. We live in a world that idolizes beauty, and not the kind that is within but the kind that we can see. Everywhere we

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  • Decent Essays

    Bulimia Etiology

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    Bulimia Etiology Why do humans have bulimia nervosa? A person doesn’t develop bulimia by a disease or it’s transmitted to one person to another but the individual can develop this problem mentally in their brain because bulimic and also anorexia people, they dislike how they look or are they have low self-confidence. Both categories have eating disorders meaning they either eat too much food or too little only to satisfy themselves physically or emotionally but everyone is different and they might

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    Bulimia Nervosa

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    Bulimia Nervosa A. An eating disorder when a person eat large amounts of foods followed by a desire to get rid of the food by vomiting ,use of laxatives and excessive exercise(“What is Bulimia”,2015) B. There are two cause which effect the person with Bulimia nervosa which are depression and anxiety 1. Many people with eating disorder appear to suffer from depression a. Through

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    Bulimia Nervosa

    • 655 Words
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    Bulimia, also called bulimia nervosa, is when a person eats over 2,000 calories and tries to find methods to avoid gaining weight. This chronic illness is very life- threatening because it is putting the body at harm. When a person is Bulimic, they stress/ binge eat. After they try to vomit, excessive exercise, laxative use, fasting, and a combination of these methods just so they don’t gain weight. Both genders suffer from this disorder, but it is found that it occurs in woman more. There are two

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  • Decent Essays

    Bulimia Nervosa

    • 1676 Words
    • 7 Pages

    Bulimia Nervosa [also known as Bulimia] is a very serious and dangerous eating disorder. The disorder can be describe as bingeing and then followed by purging or a person who eats a large amount of food in short periods of time and then vomits after eating to prevent on gaining the weight cause by the food. There is different ways of going about ways to prevent the weight gain, making oneself throw up, taking pills, or laxatives which will increase how fast the food will move through your body, exercising

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  • Decent Essays

    Bulimia In America

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    Of those thirty million, only three million will ever receive proper treatment. Some doctors will call any eating disorder Anorexia when really it could be Bulimia or another eating disorder. With so many people affected by these diseases, it is necessary to know the differences so these people may receive proper treatment. Anorexia and Bulimia are both very serious eating disorders with many differences and similarities including causes, symptoms, and treatments. Anorexia is an emotional disorder

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    Bulimia Nervosa

    • 781 Words
    • 4 Pages

    person’s everyday diet (Mandal). People with anorexia nervosa refuse to eat, so they generally use different methods to limit their calorie intake to lose weight. Some methods include excessive exercise, using laxatives, or vomiting after eating. Bulimia nervosa is another type of eating disorder, characterized by binge eating, consuming large amounts of food, followed by purging through vomiting or the use of laxatives (page 259). People with this disorder eat a lot then afterwards they try to get

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    Decent Essays