Ferdinand Tönnies

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    What is a community? To many it is a social group of any size whose members reside in a specific locality, share government, and often have a common cultural and historical heritage. For many this is an abstract term. Many people don’t exactly know what a community is. It can be felt or touched and sure enough it can’t be seen. Society also plays a role in this relative and abstract term of community. Meaning, the body of human beings generally, associated or viewed as members of a community. Amitai

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    communication involving a feeling of membership and shared emotional connection (Tonnies, 1957). In this way, communities acted similarly to extended families and the likely result was members who remained united despite factors that might divide them, including distance (Tonnies, 1957). These early meanings partially explain why people often consider community in terms of geographic proximity (Jankowksi & Prehn, 2002; Tonnies, 1957). These early researchers understood that living in close proximity did

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    known for the amazing lectures he gave, he attracted the intellectual elite of Berlin as well of people from across the world. Simmel was a founding member of the German Sociological Society, along with German sociologists such as Max Weber and Ferdinand Tönnies. By 1900 Simmel 's work was well known throughout Europe, Russia, and the Americas and his goal was to formally attain a position at the university, which he was unsuccessful. In 1901 he was granted an honorary position that placed him above

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    Throughout my life, I have been privileged to know a strong sense of community. My understanding of community has been carved out and shaped by each community that I have been a part of and the subsequent life experiences that I have had by being a part of these communities. To me, community means a sense of belonging with people who have some capacity of like-mindedness. When you belong to a community, you feel like a piece of a larger puzzle that comes together to create a whole. Each community

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    Part A: What is the difference between normative and technical rationality? Moral dimension in leadership is depend on normative rationality. Normative rationality is a rationality based on what we believe and what we consider to be good. Technical rationality is a rationality based on what is effective and efficient. Both normative and technical rationality have value however when they are in conflict, normative rationality should always be used. Normative rationality is center of the moral dimension

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    Philippine Government

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    In 1972, President Ferdinand E. Marcos (1965-86) declared martial law, citing growing lawlessness and open rebellion by the communist rebels as his justification. Marcos governed from 1973 until mid-1981 in accordance with the transitory provisions of a new constitution that

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    I am always for freedom; that is the truth. But I realize that today, we have too much freedom, so much so that the truth of our lives have been muddled into this really vague truth: whatever works is OK; as long as you harm no one, what you do is OK; if you obey the law, whatever you do within it is OK; that as long as you are conventional, as long as you obey what people say today, your amorality, your insincerity, your plain stoic unfeelingness is OK. But the simple truth is that this thinking

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    Martial law and placing the control under the Armed Forces of the Philippines. In this situation, the president declared martial law because there was near-violent civil unrest in the Philippine society. It was lifted on January 17, 1981. President Ferdinand Marcos was holding the presidency of the Philippines for 20 years from 1966-1986. He ruled the country as a dictator and is known for running a corrupt and undemocratic regime. The declaration of martial in 1972 by President Marcos was his claim

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    Further Than Loyalty Are you loyal to your own land and country, to a point that you will indifferently oppose other land 's and nations ' beliefs, way of life, traditions, and so on. According to Webster (2014), nationalism means showing complete support and faithfulness towards a nation, even though showing nationalism intend to go against other nations. Miscevic (2001) describes the word nationalism in two marvelous ideas. First, it is the way the elements of a country are thoughtful and mindful

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    The End Of The Cold War

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    1989, and demonstrated the will of the people to stop the oppression of these dictators or communist parties. The Philippines were no different, independent organizations such as JAJA and NAMFREL rallied against the militaristic dictatorship of Ferdinand Marcos. Additionally, the intervention of the church proved to be a powerful uniting tool for the revolution, in a catholic predominant society. Women played no small role, Corazon Aquino challenged Marcos politically, and many were involved in public

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