Great Railroad Strike of 1877

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    The Great Railroad strike of 1877 led to many problems this strike, also referred to as the Great Upheaval, which began in July in a town named Martinsburg, West Virginia, the railroad strike ended forty-five days after locals, state militias and federal troops shut it down. The goals of the railroad strike were for a wage increase. The workers of the railroad were not represented by labor unions, which mad the workers angry therefore several cities started to build armories to support their militias

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    of the Civil War. So as not to upset its wide readership in the South, Harper’s took a moderate editorial position on the issue of slavery. Publications that supported abolition referred to it as Harper’s Weakly” (RareNewspapers). When the Great Strike of 1877 came about, the

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    Summary: Crises, such as the great railroad strike of 1877, Homestead strike of 1892, Pullman strike of 1894, and the depression of 1893-1894, were results from the rise of industrial capitalism. By 1900, America produced one-third of the world’s goods. Due to this, cities became polluted and overcrowded, and became breeding grounds for diseases like typhoid and cholera. The working situations were not much better, with unskilled industrial laboring class, child labor, low wages, locked fire doors

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    decreased and eventually in 1965 became 0 Class Conflicts and Ethnic Clashes The Great Railroad Strike of 1877 was when the four largest railroads decided to cut employee wages by 10% leading for the workers to go on a violent strike...Hayes decided to call in federal troops to suppress the fighting but more fighting broke out in mostly every large city (workers lost and showed weakness in labor movements) After the railroad successes, many Chinese men decided to leave back for China while others stayed

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  • Decent Essays

    The Great Railroad Strike of 1877 manifested into the first of a series of labor strikes in the United States and the first general strike of the nation. Working on the railroads, labor workers already had poor working conditions and low wages. However, the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad (B&O) had made its second wage cut in the past eight months; both cuts by ten percent. In response to this, labor workers refused to allow any freight trains to roll in and out of the station until the restoration of

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  • Decent Essays

    The Great Railroad Strike In the first half of the 19th Century the working class in the newly industrializing American society suffered many forms of exploitation. The working class of the mid-nineteenth century, with constant oppression by the capitalist and by the division between class, race, and ethnicity, made it difficult to form solidarity. After years of oppression and exploitation by the ruling class, the working class struck back and briefly paralyzed American commerce. The strike, which

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    The founding of this great nation, and throughout its rich history, has been due to the protesting and fighting of unfair, unjust laws. Between 1877 and 1933 Americans fought for their rights by using violent protests, walk outs, and strikes. Two examples of this behavior are: The Great Railroad Strike of 1877, and the Homestead Steel Strike. The Great Railroad strike occurred in 1877 and started in Martinsburg, West Virginia. The original incident was when major railroad companies announced that

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  • Decent Essays

    The years between 1877 and 1900 were very eventful, and there were seven different Presidents that led the United States throughout these years. Though each President played a role in one way or another, the five most effective U.S Presidents were James Garfield, Chester Arthur, Grover Cleveland, Benjamin Harrison, and topping the list is Rutherford B. Hayes. A truly effective president invokes change with new policies or proposals, and that is exactly what Hayes did as the 19th President of the

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    In this research paper I will discuss three different strikes. And at the end of the paper I will compare the strikes, to see if there is any correlation between the three. In Labor Relations, we learned that strikes happen for many reasons. Some of the reasons being unfair labor practices, horrible work conditions, Salary and incentive problems, Dissatisfaction with company policy, Leaves with wages and holidays, Bonus, profit sharing, Provident fund and gratuity, Retrenchment of workmen and closure

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    What was the Great Railroad Strike? The Great Railroad Strike was the country’s first major strike. The strike and the violence it created paused the country's commerce and led governors in ten states to activate 60,000 militia members to reopen rail traffic. The strike would be broken within a few weeks, but it helped spark a movement for later violence in the 1880s and 1890s, including the Haymarket Square bombing in Chicago in 1886, the Homestead Steel Strike near Pittsburgh in 1892, and the

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