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    America today. Gun-free zones are seen as a way to make the American population safer by preventing gun violence and mass shootings. Gun-control advocates want to enact these gun-free zones in many areas throughout the country. In a time where mass shootings and violent crimes seem to occur all the time, gun-free zones sound like a viable solution. The thought is, if no guns are allowed in certain areas, violence and murder could be prevented. Guns are seen as the problem, and if guns are banned in

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    Good Essays
  • Good Essays

    weapon to protect yourself? I for one, would like to possess a gun to protect myself. The Bill of Rights is the basic rights we are granted as American citizens. I disagree with the article “End the Gun Epidemic in America,” for a multitude of reasons. This article claims that the answer to stopping heinous crimes in America is to ban guns or at least have serious restrictions and regulations on them. On the contrary, I believe banning guns leaves citizens defenseless while presenting criminals with

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  • Decent Essays

    Carrying Guns

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    occurred and more deaths are occurring by the use of guns? Has carrying guns become necessary for every one of us in our society? Guns are one of the biggest issues in the community. Most of the mass shootings that occurred in the U.S were by legally purchased guns. Guns should not be available to everyone in the community unless they have a convincing reason of carrying a weapon based on their job or their position in the society. Carrying Guns should be only available to certain people and not to

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    Solution to Gun Violence On average, there are nearly 13,000 gun homicides each year in the United States. Homicide is not an accident, it is the deliberate and unlawful killing of one person by another. These murders had access to guns in order to commit the awful act. They usually get access by purchasing guns at a store without the sales people knowing that they would commit these horrific crimes. Background checks should be made on the gun purchaser to ensure that they will use the weapon safely

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  • Decent Essays

    to Sociology 2e, p. 15). Through Structural functionalist macro-level perspective, guns can either maintain strength and order in the society. By having this kind of protection or guns possession, it can delay the security and order by causing threat and violence. Gun empowers individual which can be seen as an object of power. To keep citizens in their place, authorities licensed guns to keep things in order. Gun control licenses can be given to individuals who use a firearm as a sport or for hunting

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  • Satisfactory Essays

    Advocates of gun control state that control of firearms would prevent crime. This statement is flawed. Alexia Cooper a statistian for the Uniform Crime Reports of the Federal Bureau of Investigation states, “The cities with the highest crime rates are also the cities with the strictest gun control laws” [6]. In Washington D.C., it is almost impossible for a civilian to own firearms, yet it is universally seen as the murder capital of the United States. Vermont, a state where civilians do not need

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    Satisfactory Essays
  • Decent Essays

    into the Students for Gun Free Schools. Recent controversy on Concealed Carry within school grounds has some students feeling safe while others feel like they're stepping into a war zone waiting to erupt. Discomfort, increased risks, and flawed background checks- all these problems have led me to side against Concealed Carry, because without guns, we would be safer. Students for Concealed Carry argue that students who abuse drugs wouldn't be a problem when it comes to guns. They say this because

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    detrimental to the hearts of families. As of now, the controversial debate of gun control is sweeping the nation. As defined by the constitution, the second amendment states that citizens have a right to bear arms. One side believes there is no need for guns, whereas the other believes guns are necessary for self-defense. In Las Vegas, there are many people that believe in the amendment. Nevada has some of the least restrictive gun laws in the country. The state does not require firearm owners to have licenses

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  • Satisfactory Essays

    Should teachers have guns at school? I think teachers should be able to carry guns on them at school. They would need training, they are talking about getting raises so more money, supplies. The school would have to find a way to make more money for the teachers who would carry guns on them. All over the United States they are having a debate to see if teachers should be able to carry guns on them at school. I believe that teachers should be able to carry a gun on them at school most likely

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    Satisfactory Essays
  • Decent Essays

    The Need For Gun Control in America Essay

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    over thirty-one thousand people die annually as a root to firearms. The American Medical Journal concluded, “there is a positive correlation between guns per capita and firearm relate deaths” (AMJ 2). This means that when more guns are in circulation, more deaths will occur: One of the major political parties (along with firearms manufacturers and pro-gun lobbyists generally) oppose any rules restricting our Second Amendment rights by limiting the capacity of clips

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    • 10 Works Cited
    Decent Essays