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    to the ivory trade. People have gone to great measures to help protect the elephants although conflict, habitat destruction, and poaching continues to threaten the species. The largest threat today towards the elephants is poaching in order to supply ivory. The Convention on International trade in endangered species banned the trade of ivory in 1989. There are many markets in several different countries that still sell ivory illegally even though it was banned. The growth of illegal ivory trade is

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  • Decent Essays

    The reputable practitioners of China have long shunned the use of rhino and tiger parts as medicinal miracles, but the message is not getting through to the Chinese wildlife trafficking simpletons or China's leadership. The Chinese people will eat, sniff, shoot and drink anything that stands on four legs (maybe two legs as well) because they are too dim-witted and uneducated to understand that all their myths like "Dog meat warms you' Or "Bull penis gives you an extra boost for that late night rendezvous"

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    parts of wildlife are also in demand for traditional medicine and ceremonies. Another major cause of poaching is due to the cultural high demand of wildlife products, such as ivory, that are seen as symbols of status and wealth. Another major cause of poaching is due to the high cultural demand of wildlife products, such as ivory, that are seen as symbols of status and wealth. Deep-seated cultural beliefs also provide a motive for poaching. The body parts of many animals, such as tigers and rhinoceroses

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  • Decent Essays

    out in seven years.”(Mckenzie “Our Living Dinosaurs”) This is a devastating statistic. People are poaching elephants for their ivory tusks. This is a serious problem with humanity. A problem that comes from greed and selfishness. They are causing a major extinction of these gentle giants. These “living dinosaurs” are getting mutilated for one reason. Elephants have Ivory tusks that is very expensive on the black market. To start with, Africa is causing one of the biggest extinction next to the dinosaurs

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    elephants left, but now, in 2017, there are only 35,000 to 40,000 left. Some of the problems Asian elephants face is habitat loss, ivory poaching and the kidnapping of young elephants. Luckily, there are many ways you can help to stop them from going extinct, including donating to places like the Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage, encouraging selective logging, shutting down ivory markets, donating and shunning places that advertise the chance to see a baby elephant. The main problem causing Asian elephants

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  • Decent Essays

    tusks to sell the ivory. While the species' population growth remains healthy, poaching remains a constant threat. So what's the solution? Some

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    on a movie , Elephants became a symbolf of respect , good luck , strength, and wisdom. (Show them my tattoo) IV. Thesis Statement: My purpose today is to inform you on the illegal poaching on elephants and the ivory trade. V. Preview: My speech would consist on the illegal poaching , ivory trade and how we can help . Transition: I would like to start off by given you guys an insight on how illegal poachincg BODY I. First Key Point – The Problem Illegal poaching A. According to the wildlife

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    Despite a ban on the international trade in ivory, African elephants are still being poached in large numbers. Tens of thousands if elephants are being killed every year for their ivory tusks. The ivory is often carved into ornaments and jewellery - China is the biggest consumer market for such products. Its natural when a human hears the question what's worth more the elephant of its tusk? For them to answer from the heart: Of course, the elephant. Though there is no real answer it depends on

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    Ivory trade only becomes harder to stop the longer it continues. While more time passes, newer technologies are being built that make poaching easier and more effective. Thanks to technology such as helicopters, radios, transmitters, night goggles, etc, poachers are able to more easily reach and kill their targets. With highly sophisticated and quickly changing techniques, poachers and illegal traders are able to avoid detection much more easily. However, new technologies have also been built to

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  • Decent Essays

    Although the CITES banned the poaching of Asian and African elephants and international trade in the mid 1980’s, many organizations have been posting anti-ivory trade promotion on their website (Stiles, 309). Websites such as International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW), Born Free Foundation, Care for the Wild International, and the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) (Stiles, 309). Many of the southern countries of Africa do not agree with the African elephant ban (Stiles, 309). They’ve been

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    Decent Essays