Modern day hero

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    importantly, a hero. Someone I would consider a modern-day hero is Derek Shephard, from the TV show “Grey´s Anatomy”. A hero is someone who is able to help others without any interest that would benefit him/her behind his actions Derek is a perfect example of a modern-day hero. He is selfless and works as a doctor with the main goal of helping others. Right before a surgery he says to everyone in the OR: “Today is a beautiful day to save lives.” Derek is worthy of the title of a modern-day hero because

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    title of hero because they begin as a normal person and do something extraordinary. Superheroes are a much more Herculean concept as Hercules was destined to be able to perform the feats that he did during his “labours”. If he had not been Zeus’ son and had not been given the strength as a power, he might not even be a hero. His destiny was to be a hero, as fated by the gods to rule over Mycenae (Perseus (and Bellerophon), 123). Hercules does not match the ‘average’ criteria of a modern hero, nor do

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    Odysseus is a hero that uses modern day standards. Odysseus has done many things on his trip going to and from Ithaca. He has traveled oceans and fought in a war and fought his way back home. He was away for 20 years from his family in Ithaca. Odysseus he is known by many people for being a hero. Odysseus is a modern day hero in many ways for example, soldiers have to leave their family and you might not know how long it could be years to fight in a war. That is what Odysseus did he had to

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    Do you consider odysseus to be a hero? Many people have different beliefs if he was a hero or not. With all of the things he did, Odysseus would not fit the descriptions of a modern day hero. Odysseus did a lot of things in his time that were bad, one was he was really arrogant and sneaky he was also killing people and hero’s do not kill people they help people. The first example that Odysseus is not a hero is He kills people with a bow because he gets upset ( Line 1420 in Odysseus’s revenge page

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    Spider-Man is your average modern day hero, he is a citizen who was bitten by an unusual and peculiar spider which gave him powers and abilities such as being able to shoot webs out of his hands and climb walls without the need of any equipment. And Odysseus is a Greek hero who was strong, heavily favored by the gods, and could take down any and all challenges he´d ever have to face. And if you ever compared the two you would see that both characters are extremely different. Why you would see this

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    people . Odysseus goes on an journey but on his journey he tries to get back home , but on his journey home he cheated on his wife and didn’t care about any of his crew members that came with him. In result of the things Odysseus does he is not a modern day hero. On Odysseus journey home he didn’t care much of his men he was selfish or you can say he

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    Beowulf is the epic poem that tells the story of a warrior and his heroic adventures. In the story, Beowulf is hailed a hero after defeating Grendel and his mother. Despite being presented as one, Beowulf is not a hero by today’s standards. Beowulf is too conceited to be considered a hero. A modern day hero is someone who is selfless and helps others for nothing in return. Contrary to this, Beowulf brags and is fighting for the sole purpose of adding upon his fame and glory. During his battle with

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    (and not for fame). A modern day hero usually shows these types of acts. However, an Anglo-Saxon hero shows some of the opposite traits, including violence. Beowulf is one of a good example of an Anglo-Saxon hero. However, Beowulf shouldn’t be considered as a modern day hero today because he had different super abilities that a normal person doesn’t have, he uses the acts of violence, and he’s really boastful about himself. Beowulf wouldn’t be considered a modern day hero because he uses the acts

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    years to get home when it should have really only took him three weeks. Odysseus uses and manipulates people on his way home and this is what does not make Odysseus a modern day hero. Odysseus really shows his arrogance an egotistical ways when it comes to him getting out of trouble. Some people may say that Odysseus is a modern day hero because, he is always doing these flamboyant

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    In this epic poem, Beowulf is portrayed as an ancient hero but he also has traits of a modern day hero. Throughout the book, Beowulfs character is developed deeper so the reader can see his characteristics. These characteristics can be compared to both an ancient and modern day hero. Beowulf is very similar to other ancient heroes, like Achilles, who were present in other epic poems around the same time period. For example, Beowulf is strong, bold, courageous, and skilled like other ancient heroes

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