Noblest roman

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    Sophia Seo Mrs. Rufolo English 9 Honors 11-15-14 The Noblest Roman of Them All Meet Brutus, the man who made the phrase “stabbing a friend in the back” literal. He kept only the best of intentions in mind when he sacrificed his friendship for the better of the whole. He was considered a noble, naive idealist and patriotic politician by his fellow patricians. Due to his strong passion for Rome, this tragic hero was manipulated to turn against a dear friend. Marcus Brutus battled with his conflicting

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    "This was the noblest Roman of them all". This quote was said by Antony, one of the characters in the play Julius Caesar. This quote was said about Brutus, friend of both Mark Antony and Caesar. I believe Brutus was the “noblest of them all” because not only was he highly respected in the very beginning of the play, but because he was honest in his thoughts and actions. Brutus is considered “the noblest of them all” because of a few reasons. One of the reasons is that he was very reluctant to kill

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    Julius Caesar as the Noblest Roman of Them All In William Shakespeare's " Julius Caesar" the victorious Mark Antony calls his rival Brutus, "the noblest Roman of them all". At the start of the play we witnessed Cassius persuade Brutus to join a conspiracy to kill Caesar. In my essay I intend to discuss four main characters in order to prove or disapprove Mark Antony's statement. The play starts off with Julius Caesar entering Rome after his victory in the civil

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    Was Brutus the noblest roman of all? “This was the noblest roman of them all” Mark Anthony said about Brutus in the play Julius Caesar, after Brutus had killed himself at the battle of Philippi. Although Brutus had participated in the assassination of Julius Caesar, Mark Anthony, Julius’s nephew, was praising Brutus as a noble person. But how was he noble? In the beginning of the play, we meet Brutus, a highly respected, much loved, senator of Rome. He loved Rome as a republic and he has a good

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    Brutus is a good man who is easily turned evil by men filled with abhorrence and jealousy. In the play, Julius Caesar, Brutus is a Roman who is easily manipulated, decisive, and proud. These contradicting traits of Brutus show us why the reader does not want to believe that Brutus is an antagonist in the story. Brutus is shown as being easily manipulated in the play. This trait is shown a few times in the play. At the beginning, Brutus is tricked by Cassius into believing that killing Julius Caesar

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    Decent Essays
  • Satisfactory Essays

    Julius Caesar Noblest

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    At the end of the play, Antony refers to Brutus by saying, "This was the noblest Roman of them all." Who do you think was the noblest character in the play? Write an essay discussing the strengths and weaknesses of your choice of character. The play Julius Caesar, end with Antony refers to Brutus by Saying “This was the noblest Roman of them all.” “This was the noblest Roman of them all”, refers to Octavian. Octavian was strong smart, ambitious and .irrational. Octavian was young and had a

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    Satisfactory Essays
  • Satisfactory Essays

    I believe that Marcus Brutus was the noblest of Romans. Out of the conspirators, Brutus was the only one who was actually acting in the best favor of Rome. Brutus was the only conspirator who had good intentions for his people. The other conspirators wanted nothing but to see Caesar fall. Brutus on the other hand saw Caesar rising to power as a threat and wanted to remove him, possibly without the use of deadly force. He thought he should be the one to take Caesar’s place. To elaborate on my first

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    Satisfactory Essays
  • Decent Essays

    The Noblest Man in Rome “ This was the noblest Roman of them all”[5.5.74], considering the conspirators, Brutus was the only conspirator to act out of genuine unmixed rational ideals. Brutus’ rational thinking ability helps him earn the title of an honorable man. Shakespeare's portrayal of Brutus as one of the most honorable men in Rome, exhibits Brutus’s nobility as a man of honor and patriotism, he as an individual, shows that any person can attain utmost nobility with the presence of honor

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    Decent Essays
  • Satisfactory Essays

    Brutus Weaknesses

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    because he believed that Caesar was going to do incredible damage to the Roman Republic. Brutus's weakness in his honorable nature that lead him to trust Cassius, who he considers his friend, and let himself be persuaded that Caesar must be killed to save Roman Democracy. The same nature causes Brutus to reject the suggestion be his fellow Romans to kill Anthony as well. As a result Anthony calls Brutus "the noblest Roman of all time". Brutus's strength is that he is a well

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    Satisfactory Essays
  • Decent Essays

    The Noblest of Rome How could one determine whether a man is noble or not? How could one judge the extent of someone’s nobility? Throughout history, there are plenty of stories where the nobility of men have been tested. William Shakespeare is known for writing stories where the nobility of men is heavily tested. In Shakespeare’s play, Julius Caesar, there are plenty of men who love Rome and would do anything for the goodness of Rome. Caesar was willing to give up lots of his money for the Roman citizens

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    Decent Essays