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    Both a hurricane and volcanoes are dangerous, though I believe one is more dangerous than the other.. There are many reasons that can be involved in how dangerous a volcano can be, such as it’s location and type. One type of volcano is a pyroclastic flow, which is possibly the most dangerous volcano, the sides are steep and the lava can flow down at a very fast speed. In this volcano, it has a mixture of both hot gas and ash. Furthermore, this can reach an extreme temperature of over 1,000 degrees

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    Satisfactory Essays
  • Decent Essays

    throughout history. An eruption is defined as “The ejection of molten rock, steam, etc., as from a volcano or geyser” (Dictionary.com, 2016). There are many reasons as to why volcanic eruptions are so difficult to predict and there are many examples of volcanoes down the ages that have impacted humans tremendously and posed potential risks to people when prediction was not able to influence an evacuation or contribute to saving lives. The size of the eruption is a factor that; when not predicted can intensify

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  • Satisfactory Essays

    Volcanoes Volcanoes are formed when magma from within the Earth's upper mantle works its way to the surface. At the surface, it erupts to form lava flows and ash deposits. Over time as the volcano continues to erupt, it will get bigger and bigger. Cinder cone volcanoes is a type of volcano that is merely the same as a shield volcano but the difference is that the cinder cone volcano is higher on one side then on the other side it is lower.These type of volcanoes can also be called a scoria volcano

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    Satisfactory Essays
  • Decent Essays

    you know the most formidable volcanoes in the world are called Super volcanoes? These volcanoes can cause worldwide climate changes as well as releasing tons of dust and ash particles into Earth’s atmosphere. One of the biggest super volcanoes is in Yellowstone National Park, scientists say it will erupt again and soon. This means we should be spending tax dollars on research for volcanoes and earthquakes. We should spend tax dollars on research because super volcanoes may erupt again, we need to

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  • Decent Essays

    How do Volcanoes Affect People and the Environment? While volcanoes can be a beautiful tourist attraction they can also be quite destructive by nature. Volcanoes can be beneficial to the environment and become attractions but they can also kill and injure countless people. Though volcanoes can be very harmful they also help the environment and its nature. According to Russel Mcdonaugh, author of the article, he states, “Once volcanic deposits have been broken down, they enrich the soil both by

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    changes in climate being as a result of natural or anthropogenic activity as stated by the IPCC (2007). The external changes on the climate are due to changes in the incoming solar radiation and how this differs through time and differing locations. Volcanoes, greenhouse gases and industrial effects all fall under the internal effects as these happen on the earth itself. Before the industrialisation period, it was believed that the main factors affecting the climate were due to solar output and volcanic

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    Did you know volcanoes can be a better place to live than a normal home? There are reasons why people live and farm on volcanoes. People live and farm on volcanoes because of minerals, geothermal energy, and fertile soil. People live on volcanoes because there are many minerals. They are found inside of the hardened rocks formed by lava. People come by the volcanoes to mine these minerals to collect or sell to make a profit. Volcanoes are one of the best places in the world to mine for minerals

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    Volcanoes have been a part of Earth’s geologic timescale for as long back as we can look. The people of ancient Greece believed the fumes were the fiery breath of a monster, held captive under a mountain by the almighty God, Zeus. The Romans were convinced the God of Blacksmith, Vulcan, was working diligently in his personal forge crafting the weapons of the Heavens. Some civilizations even feared volcanoes, with the idea that they were the passage way to the underworld, a hell here on Earth. If

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  • Good Essays

    SUBMARINE VOLCANOES Sub marine volcanoes are fissures or vents present under water, through which magma comes out. These submarine volcanoes are one of the principal dynamic forces acting on earth’s crust. The volcanic eruptions which take place under the surface of water at mid oceanic ridges, subduction zones and within tectonic plates due to hotspots add up to produce submarine volcanoes. Sub marine volcanoes are far mare superior to sub aerial volcanoes in terms of magma generation. According

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    Good Essays
  • Decent Essays

    Did you know that volcanoes don’t just destroy things but they can also help improve them? Volcanoes have a very strong impact on environments and people. They help environments by adding nutrients and making the soil very rich. Volcanoes affect people by helping their crops grow and farms succeed. To begin, Volcanoes affect the environment in many ways. One way they affect the environment is, when the volcano erupts it produces rock and ash which later on make the surrounding soil very rich.

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    Decent Essays