
10 Leading Causes Of Death Essay

Satisfactory Essays

• 10 out of 10 leading causes of death were same for both countries. In Canada, deaths caused by cancer outranked those caused by heart disease, while in the United States the results were reversed.

• In the United States, 23% of all deaths were caused by cancer, compared with 30% in Canada. In contrast, 25% of all deaths were due to heart disease in the United States, compared with 20% in Canada.

• Diseases of heart and cancer is accountable for around 50% deaths in both countries. Tobacco use is a major cause of many of the world’s top killer diseases – including cardiovascular disease, chronic obstructive lung disease and lung cancer. Physical activity contributes to many health benefits including cholesterol levels and blood pressure as well as cardiorespiratory fitness which many of the Canadians are missing out in daily life. Choosing to smoke and having unhealthy behavior (diet, no physical activity) can lead to stroke, Diabetes and hypertension.

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Most common diseases are asthma, COPD, lung cancer. Tobacco smoke and indoor/outdoor air quality are most important risk factors for such diseases.

• Death by cerebrovascular disease is similar for United States and Canada which is around 5.5%. Childhood overweight and obesity may result in premature onset of heart disease and stroke risk factors such as hypertension. Not eating enough vegetables and fruit is a major risk factors for heart disease and stroke

• Accidents as a cause of a death accounts for around 4.5% for Canada where in United States it is slightly more which is 4.8%. This is a leading cause of death and it is preventable. More traffic congestion and not following traffic rules (wearing seatbelt, driving under influence) could be the reason for motor vehicle

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