
100 English Class

Decent Essays

Before attending this English 100 course i wasn’t as confident as i am with my understanding of of grammar and writing. I always struggled with these things throughout grammar school and high school, so i thought i would never really get the concept of using punctuation marks, run-on sentences and overall just writing a paper. But now thinking back over the time i spent inside this classroom i can actually say i have learned way more than i thought i would. I now know when and when not to use a colon, semicolon, comma, hyphen, period, etc. The main things i learned is the difference between a colon and semicolon, how to fix a run on sentence using those punctuation marks, and also how to fix sentences fragments.

The difference between colon and semicolons is one thing that i always had trouble with i English. Every time i wrote a paper and turned it in, the teacher would point out the fact i used the colon or semicolon wrong. By being apart of this English 100 I was able to learn that a colon is only used when introducing a series of things and that i should avoid using them before a list when it follows a verb or preposition directly. I also learned a semicolon is used to connect two independent clauses that are related closely. You are required to complete the following: read the story, highlight key …show more content…

Before taking this class I wouldn’t have known that. Coming into this class i really didn’t know much grammar so when i was assigned my first paper I got a 70% because of things like this. The easiest way to fix a run on is to break it down to smaller sentences using a period, but there are other things that can be done. For example, the two clauses can be joined with a comma and a coordinating conjunction, the clauses can be joined with a semicolon, or the clauses can be joined with a semicolon and a conjunctive adverb, followed by a

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