
12 Hour Nursing Practice Summary

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This article was chosen because patient care and safety is said to be at the forefront of every healthcare’s overview; however, with some of the decisions made by each and every organization the above stated may not actually be the truth. The 12-hour nursing shift was introduced in the 1970’s during a massive shortage of nurses. Currently, there is roughly 75% of all hospitals using the 12-hour nurse shift. The argument for the hospitals is that with 12-hour shifts, they spend out less monies on overtime and it offers the nurse an opportunity to actually work less days a week, which offers more off-time. The hospitals further argue that with the 12-hour shifts, scheduling is easier and that the patients are in favor of having fewer nurse’s names to remember, thus feeling more comfortable with a familiar person. One point that was a real positive for the hospital is that with 12-hour shifts, there is less nurse to nurse patient handoffs; meaning the communication is of a higher quality, because the nurse spends more time with the patient thus likely being more thorough. (Rollins, 2015)
This article was chosen to bring light to the possible effects on patient safety and patient care from nurses, and other …show more content…

There was a study by Stone and colleagues in 2006 that showed nurses who were on the 12-hour shifts tended to be more “satisfied” with their position and shift. It went on to say the nurses felt less emotionally exhausted and the units in the hospital with the 12-hour shifts usually had less positions available (Rollins, 2015). The burnout rate for nurses working 12-hour shifts was listed at 2 ½ times that of those working standard 8-hour shift; this maybe a long-term issue as the country is facing critical nurse shortages as it is, even prior to adding a “burnout crisis”. Even though there are positive attributes of the longer shift, the focus is still on patient care and

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