
13th Century Mongols Barbaric Dbq

Decent Essays

Throughout the 13th century, the Mongols showed the world how barbaric they actually were. To other groups of people, they were known as cruel, very violent, barbaric and people who definitely lived far from what was considered as a “civilized world.” People thought of barbaric as a negative term referring to people who lived beyond the reach of civilization, people who were savage, evil according to the background essay. The Mongols could be expressed as one of the most barbaric groups out there because they revealed their violence by causing death, destruction, and the downfall of all the land that they had conquered. One reason that I consider the Mongols as being barbaric this that they conquered so much in a reasonable amount a time. In document one it shows seven conquerors and how many …show more content…

In document two, it states, “When they are in battle, if one or two or three or even more out of a group of ten run away, all are put to death; and if a whole group of ten flees, the rest of the group of a hundred are all put to death, if they do not flee too.” This shows that if even just one person does something wrong in the group, every single one of the people in the group get consequences, not just the person that broke the rule. It also talks about battle tactics in document three. It states that, “ They send a detachment of captives and men of other nationalities who are fighting with them to meet the enemy head-on, and some of the Tartars (Mongols) may perhaps accompany them. Other columns of stronger men they dispatch far off to the right and the left so that they are not seen by the enemy and in this way they surround them and close in and so the fighting begins from all sides.” By the Mongols doing this, it shows how well-prepared they were and how they had such a well thought out plan. Instead of just having men, they also have engines and arrows to help fight

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