
1800s Dbq Analysis

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The century of the 1800s is a time period marked by progress. Major industrialization had began to spread around England like a wildfire of new inventions, increased production and a step away from the old-fashioned putting out system of yesteryears. Not just England but all of Western Europe and even the Americas would begin to experience a new age of industry that would ultimately change the world in so many ways. However, in any kind of revolution, there are parts of it that are not so glorious. Horrible working conditions, political movements, and conflicting radical theories would introduce another the people during the industrial age to push for reform to bring about social change. Most people associate the erection of countless factories …show more content…

It can be argued that a drifting away from the old artisan putting out system was not helping the economy, and a push for increased industry was a economically healthy path to choose. However the horrible working conditions in the relatively new and supposedly “revolutionary” factories cannot be denied. Yes, the common people were making more money than they ever had with stable jobs and increased production of goods, but at what cost? The first industrial cities in England such as Manchester and Sheffield were transformed into dystopian, dirty slums where the polluting factories loomed overhead. This idea is translated in Document #3 which depicts such an urban slum. One might even classify the image as that of the Middle Ages much less an age marked by invention and progress. The working conditions of the industrial age were not only unsanitary but also extremely dangerous with little safety precautions. Such safety features and skilled training with machinery would cost manufacturers money and money was the only thing separating the boss from the disgruntled employee. Unsafe working environment can be seen in Document #2 depicting a coal mine worker. In most cases, it was the youngest of the workers who were

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