
1920's Social Problems

Satisfactory Essays

Some social problems they had prior to 1920 were womens rights. Womens right were a big problem becuase “only 15% of white and 30% of black married women with wage-earning husbands held paying jobs.” (1) Most of American “belives women should not work outside there home if there husbands held jobs.”(1) Alomst every women at the time thought this was wrong and very unfair. Womens right weren’t as big as a deal as they are. There are many different social problems prior to the 1920’s but womens rights is one of the bigger problems. Econmic problems they had prior to the 1920’s were labor unions. Labor unions were something that “which had grown strong during the war, fought to maintain their power through a series of strikes in 1919.”(2)

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