
1984 Manipulation Essay

Decent Essays

In the novel 1984, by George Orwell, There are many fears that the author has about our world, and in the novel. Throughout the novel, depictions of governments in giving there people a lack of individual access to information. Governments are also depicted to suppress the truth, and hide it from their people... These two factors can be found in our own world, and corrupt our own governments, which the author was right to fear about. The truth is easily manipulated by government officials, even in our own democracy. People in power can drive their own personal goals, compared to doing what they were elected or hired to do. Governments control over people’s access to certain information, of what is true and what is false, is presented …show more content…

They change something that has always been true, and change the truth into a lie. Then the lie becomes fact, because the government says it has always been that way. These examples are how the government in the novel are controlling their people through fear and corruption.
There are examples of people in power suppression of what is true. For example, the recent FCC chairman, Ajit Pai, as made one of his plans to end net neutrality, after being put into by President Donald Trump. Net neutrality is the principle that internet service providers must treat all data on the internet the same, and not treat anyone different, or charge differently by user, content, website, platform, application, type of attached equipment, or method of communication. However, he has been lying to the public about what net neutrality is, and how it will affect everyone. Firstly, Pai stated that, “Too many rural and low-income Americans are still unable to get high-speed Internet access.But heavy-handed Title II regulations just make the problem worse! They reduce investment in broadband networks, especially in rural and low-income areas. By turning back time, so to speak, and returning Internet regulation to the pre-2015 era, we will expand broadband networks and bring high-speed Internet access to more Americans, not fewer,” This statement is in fact a lie (). What it would actually do is make it harder for Americans to have internet, because they

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