
1984 Winston Dialectical Journal

Decent Essays

Space Monkeys
Winston is gazing out the small window with “his glasses”. The blackness of space meeting the gray landscape. He hears a door open and panics, quickly hiding “his” glasses. A man with a lab coat enters and says, “Winston, I think you have something that belongs from me. Hand it over.” Winston hesitated, being afraid of the repercussions. “I’m not mad bud. Hey wanna trade?”, showing a jar of Winston’s favorite, peanut butter. Winston gladly trades “his” glasses for his favorite. On the right of his lab coat, you can see the man’s name tag, Jack Morrison. Winston’s interest in the opening the lid soon gravitated back what lies beyond the window. Jack snaps Winston out of his gaze, “There isn’t much out there kiddo. Listen, I think …show more content…

Winston became curious but had a sense of excitement because, during his whole life in Elysium, he has never seen this part of the station. The door opens into a large, dark room. As they walk into the room, the lights turn on, exposing the large telescope. Winston's eyes widen and wondered as to why Jack brought him to the Observatory. Jack kneels and positions his glasses on his face. He says, “You took these because you wanted to see what was out there. Well, see for yourself.” The dome ceiling splits into half, allowing light to infiltrate the entirety of the room. Winston could only see a blue sphere with large patches of a mixture of brown and green and bodies of white swirls. The sphere was surrounded by a blue aura, making the blue sphere seem like it was angelic paradise. Winston gaze couldn’t escape the blue body. He has never seen something quite like it and it made him appreciate everything about it. “See I know you always was curious and always wanted to explore the unknown. This is why I’m gonna introduce you our home Earth.”, Jack said. Winston’s attention was completely taken by Earth as Jack see his just widen. Jack reminisces, “See Winston the Earth is a beautiful place, but it such beauty was ruined.” Winton’s gaze breaks and brings his attention back to Jack. Jack continues, “Well we had a long history being on Earth you see? Year and Years of civilization and

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