
23 Blast Disability

Decent Essays

I watched the movie 23 Blast, it was based on a high school football player going blind. Playing football has always been his dream and when he becomes blind it was the worst thing that could happen to him. Travis, the football player had a lot of anger in him, that caused him not to get out of his room or see anyone. Although Travis may be blind, he overcomes the judgments and tribulations. In this movie you see and learn what being blind is like. You hear and see the different beliefs of people, on how they treat people with this disability. Some characteristics this movie displayed about being blind is not being able to do certain things you couldn’t do before, for instance, drive, walk, eat, or go to a normal school, but this movie shows …show more content…

He explained to his best friend what it’s like and he said: “Imagine not being able to see anything anymore, it’s scary.” He didn’t want to have someone to teach him how to walk with a crane, change, and feel things, he felt embarrassed. Although Travis loses his sight, he’s still able to walk, eat, play football and not always have to have someone around him. I feel like in this movies the individual with a disability should be treated equally like everyone else no matter their difference. You see that not everyone is going to treat someone that has a disability the same way, for instance, put them on a sports team or school. Travis himself believed he was going to be homeschooled or put into a special school. He and many others also had no idea he was still going to be on the football team. Many people in his community were very angry for him to be on the team, they believed he would bring down the team. But all of this made Travis stronger, he became more religious, and realized who was really by his …show more content…

This movie portrays a positive light on Travis because it changed people’s perspective on being disabled like the student’s athlete director of the high school himself judged Travis just by being blind. He believed that Travis should not be on the team because he could pull them back from going to the playoffs, but turned out to be the opposite. Travis actually made the final play to go to the playoffs. Travis changed a lot of people’s view on disabled people, his situation made people open-minded and made them realize that he and other disabled people are not different. People became more accepting and patient with disabled people. For instance, Travis’s mother was very weak, not accepting the fact that her son was blind and won’t be able to do some things he used to do. People from his own football team was treating him differently in beginning, for example pushing him down during practice or talking to the coach to kick him off. His team wasn't the only people that were treating him differently, his girlfriend stopped talking to him and didn’t even visit him once. People in the hallways of his school were all staring at him the first day he got back, it was like he was a different

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