
3 Forms Of Conformity

Good Essays

Have you ever been at a social gathering and acted in a particular way in order to feed in? This is called conformity, it means a change in behaviors or beliefs due to real or imagined group pressure. Conformity occurs all the time, whether we are aware of it or not. There are three forms of Conformity. The first form is compliance, the second form is obedience, and last but certainly not least, the third form is acceptance. This subject matter relates to me because the three types of conformity has happened to me numerous of times with lack of awareness at the time. The first type of conformity is compliance, this means when we are publicly agreeing with social pressure, while we are disagreeing privately. For example, When I go out with …show more content…

I had a struggle with driving on my own due to experiencing accidents that occurred while my mother was driving and I was the passenger, which led to an irrational fear of driving. This left an impact on my self confidence, and self esteem which effected me both socially and mentally. To overcome these obstacles my desire to accomplish the skill of driving was a challenge, but I decided to overcome this irrational fear in order to be an independent. The isolation that was a representation of the limits of not driving handicapped me from friends, and places that I would like to have gone. These strong motivations enabled me to reach the goal of being an independent. I felt limited because of my mental state at that time seemed awfully impossible to overcome the lack of confidence that was so deeply imbedded in my thought process and felt the lack of self esteem. I recall feelings of worthlessness as so many others drove with so little difficulties, and I kept thinking repeatedly I could not make this happen for myself. I also experienced thoughts of being left out as I was not included in places that others were which made me feel lonely and isolated. All these obstacles and my thoughts that blocked me from enjoyment and so I realized that I better make some changes in my life which enhanced a more rewarding and satisfying lifestyle. With reaching out to a counselor, driving instructor, and the support of my parents, I overcame the irrational fear of driving. I conquered these negative reactions which enabled me to feel like a winner and triumph. Being able to drive on my own exemplifies self

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