
4th Grade Teacher

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Thanks to, As my mom pulled up to the doors of Monroe Road Elementary, running to go find out who my 4th grade teacher would be, reading it, seeing your name, knowing everyone did not like you was a very mixed emotion day. I went back to the car to tell my mom I had Mr. Neuendorff. She did not know all of the things said about you from other kids and parents. I began to tell her all of the bad things and that other parents would not let their kids have him as their kids teacher. She did not care so neither did I. As I packed up my book bag to go to school the very first day I was so excited but had no idea what to expect. As I walked down the 4th grade hallway your classroom was the very last one. You had all of us kids line up along the wall. When the bell rang you would ask everyone a math question to be able to go into the classroom. At first …show more content…

I learned quickly that year that all of those things said about you were not true at all well at least for me.
By giving my 6th and 8th grade math workbooks to pushing my was the best thing. You knew I could do it.You made me love math more than I already have. I remember always taking the big dictionary home to do vocab words and I loved it.
You have forever been one of my favorite teachers and have taught me so much not just book smarts but other things that I will use in the future. You have had such a big impact on me it's unbelievable. I don't think I have ever thanked you for all you have done for me. You have been a big inspiration in my life. You have inspired me into being such a great person and hard worker. All of my hard work you pushed me to do in 4th and 5th grade changed my work ethic and my future. You trained me into being a hard worker and to be successful. I could never thank you enough for everything you've done for me.
Thanks, David John

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