We, the people of 4th Period Schanz, to uphold our government, protect against King Schanz, and ensure life, liberty, and happiness for all citizens, establish and defend the Constitution of the 4th Period Schanz. ARTICLE I Section A The Congress of 4th Period Schanz will, from now on, have the full ability to create laws. This will consist of the Senate and the House of Representatives, who will gather once a week. Section B The Senate will be made up of representatives of each table. There will be one senator per table. Senators are chosen by election by the members of his or her own table. Each senator will have one vote in Senate. Senators shall serve for up to two one week terms. Senate has the power to impeach the president if all …show more content…
All tables start with one representative. There will be one extra representative for each person who has a 95% or higher as their History grade. The representative him or herself does not have to be the person with the 95% or higher grade. A member of the House cannot be a Senator at the same time. Members of the House shall serve for up to two one week terms. The House of Representatives also have the power to impeach the president if all are in agreement along with the Senate. Section D Any person shall present a written bill to the House of Representatives. If the majority of the House approves the law, then they will give the bill to the Senate. The majority of the Senate must also approve the law for them to pass it to the President of the 4th Period Schanz. If the President approves the law and signs it, the bill becomes a law. If he or she refuses to approve it, it will be sent back to the House of Representatives for reconsideration. If over ⅔ of the House approves it again, it will be sent to the Senate. If over ⅔ of the Senate approves it again, it will become a law. Section …show more content…
However, if Congress finds a Supreme Court Justice to be unfit for office later in his or her term, then they shall impeach the Justice with a ⅔ majority agreement. Section G The President must write short speeches to give each Monday to the class. It should be a reflection on how 4th Period Schanz is doing and how students can improve how 4th Period Schanz is doing. Any other information is optional. Although the President could forget to write a speech, it shall be used against them in impeachment when paired with another law they have broken. Section H The President, Vice President and all Civil Officers of 4th Period Schanz, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors. ARTICLE III Section A The judicial power of 4th Period Schanz belongs to one Supreme Court. Inferior table courts shall be established within tables, but shall be overruled by the Supreme Court. The five Justices shall have their jobs for life, as long as they are not
Facts: Each state in the union having at least one representative in the congress. The house of representations is a branch off from congress. Its one of the two sections.
The two house congress is compose of the House of representation, is based on population. The House of Representatives has 434 member, one from each district of the fifty states. In order to serve in House of representative, he or she must have to be 25 years old, a citizen for seven years and a resident of the state one wants to represent. Representation is determined by population. The senate has two senators from each state for a total of 100. To be a Senator, one must be at least 30 years old, a citizen for nine years and a resident of the state one wants to represent. Senators were chosen by the state legislature which meant they tend to be politically important members of the state’s elite class. However, this changed with the 17th amendment,
The requirements for Senators are an interesting point in the Constitution, and it surprises me that they remain identical to this day. Each senator serves for six years. It's interesting that each elected Senator serves for three times as long as a Representative and for two years more than the President, without re-election of course. Senators are required to be five years older than Representatives, but five years younger than the president, and they are also responsible for the Impeachment process.
Structure of Congress: Congress is divided into two houses, the senate and the house of representatives. Two senators are elected from each state who serve six years. These elections happen over the even years leaving ⅓ of the senators up for election. Senators have three qualifications, including age (30 years or older), citizenship (must be a citizen for nine years), and residency. Despite the major differences, the senate and the house of representatives have one thing in common; three qualifications. However, you must be 25 years old, a citizen for seven years, and live in the current state for which you are wanting to represent to be a representative. Also known as a congressman or a congresswoman, there are approximately 435 representatives
First of all, every bill must pass both houses of Congress by a majority vote. By doing so, it will show that this bill is really important and that it is fair to make a law. After this process of voting it goes to the next step of its way of acceptance. After the bill has passed the voting procedure in the Congress, it is sent to the President for his acceptance.
First, the congress can send the bill to the President to be signed and passed into a law. However, if the President vetoes the bill, it is then sent back to congress. Congress can then take a vote on the bill and if two-thirds vote to pass it, the bill is made into a law. Lastly, the President can decide to neither sign the bill nor veto the bill. If this happens when the congress is in session, the bill will become a law after ten days without the President’s signature. (Congressforkids.net)
Indeed, even the quantity of Supreme Court Justices is left to Congress — on occasion there have been as few as six, while the present number (nine, with one Chief Justice and eight Associate Justices) has just been set up since 1869. The Constitution likewise gives Congress the ability to build up courts sub-par compared to the Supreme Court, and to that end Congress has built up the United States area courts, which attempt most government cases, and 13 United States courts of requests, which audit claimed locale court cases. Government judges must be evacuated through prosecution by the House of Representatives and conviction in the Senate. Judges and judges serve no altered term — they serve until their passing, retirement, or conviction by the Senate. By outline, this protects them from the transitory interests of the general population, and permits them to apply the law in light of just equity, and not constituent or political concerns. For the most part, Congress decides the locale of the government courts. Now and again, however —, for example, in the case of a debate between at least two U.S. states — the Constitution gives the Supreme Court unique purview, a power that can't be stripped by Congress. The courts just attempt genuine cases and debates — a gathering must demonstrate that it has been hurt keeping in mind the end goal to acquire suit
Laws begin as ideas. First, a representative sponsors a bill. The bill is then assigned to a committee for study. If released by the committee, the bill is put on a calendar to be voted on, debated or amended. If the bill passes by simple majority (218 of 435), the bill moves to the Senate. In the Senate, the bill is assigned to another committee and, if released, debated and voted on. Again, a simple majority (51 of 100) passes the bill. Finally, a conference committee made of House and Senate members works out any differences between the House and Senate versions of the bill. The resulting bill returns to the House and Senate for final approval. The Government Printing Office prints the revised bill in a process called enrolling. The President has 10 days to sign or veto the enrolled bill (Representatives, n.d.).
The first step- they have to come up with the bill . Second-then they have to show them the bill to see if thay like it or what they think about it. Only members can introduce bills. Third-on this one the speaker sends it somewhere so people look at it and they can see if they like it. Fourth- Ok so now most bills won't make it past this point but this is where they vote on the bill . If it makes it it goes to the rules committee. Fifth- It comes up with the rules for debate and the bill we come up for debate . Sixth-the house talks over the bill and amendments it .It most of them vote on the bill it goes to the senate. Seventh- senator introduces the bill which is sent to a committee. Eighth- same procedure as in the House. If most of them votes for the bill, it goes to the whole senate. Ninth- majority floor leader decides when the whole Senate will consider the bill. Tenth- the bill is talked over and amendments may be added if they feel like it . If most of them votes in favor of the bill it is returned to the House. Eleventh- If the House does not like any of the changes then the bill goes to a conference committee of members from both. And it tries to work out a deal Twelve- Both must approve changes made by the conference committee. If it all goes good then it goes to the president. Thirteen- The president may be ok with the bill or veto it. If its ok then it becomes a law. Fourteen- If the president does not like the bill,
1; Legislature, n.d., para. 1). The House of Representatives is composed up of four hundred thirty-five elected members, which are divided up among the states according to their populations. The appointed leader of the House is the Speaker of the House, who is elected by Representatives(The Legislative Branch, n.d., para. 2). The House elects new members every two years, but to be elected you must be of the age of twenty- five. You must also be a United States citizen for at least seven years and you must live in the state in which you are representing(The Legislative Branch, n.d., para. 3). There is no limit to the amount of terms a Representative may serve(U.S. Federal Government, n.d., para. 7). Those who are elected members of the House have exclusive power assigned to them within the legislative branch: They have the power to impeach federal officials, commence revenue bills, and elect the President of the United States in the rare event of an electoral college tie(The Legislative Branch, n.d., para. 4).
The Senate needs to ratify all laws by a two-third vote. The vice president who is the head of the Senate is not permitted to vote, but in case of a tie he is allowed to. The House of Representatives is made of 435 representatives, each is elected by his state and serve two years. The number of representatives depends on the state population. Both the House of Representatives and the Senate elect their own leaders; the part that controls the house, is called the majority leader while the other is called the minority leader.
Each state has at least 1 representative in the House of Representatives. In addition to the elected members there are 6 non - voting members (Patterson 118). The 6 non-voting members are composed of one delegate each from Virgin Islands, American Samoa, District of Columbia, Northern Mariana Islands, Guam, and Puerto Rico. Members of the house serve every two years and have no limit on the number of terms they may serve.
The Role of the Senate and House of Representatives The Congress of the United States consists of the Senate and the House of Representatives which means the USA is bi-cambial. The Congress of the United States was created by Article I, Section 1, of the Constitution, adopted by the Constitutional Convention on September 17, 1787. The Senate is composed of 100 Members, 2 from each State, who are elected to serve for a term of 6 years.
In the United States laws are first introduced by a single or multiple U.S. House Representatives. Once the law is discussed and has been passed through specific committees the law will be debated in the full House. A series of debates will be had on the law and if voted on the law will be amended or will stay the same. Once the debate on the law is over, the House will take a vote, if simple majority votes for the law then the law will move onto the Senate. The Senate will go through a similar process in which the law will go through the proper committees and if released then the Senate will debate the law. Once the Senate has finished debating the law and a final vote is ready all that is needed to move the law along is another simple
The legislature has a senate and a house of representatives. The senate has thirty members and they serve nine-year terms. The House of representative has seventy-three members and has a six-year term. The last elections were due to be in 2014 but were delayed to the outbreak of Ebola.