
5-6 Pattern Of Child Development

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Children between the ages of 5- 6 will use 3 development patterns firstly beingPhysical development. During physical development a child between the ages 5-6 will show gross and fine motor skills.
Gross skills
Showing the child is constantly active, hops through hop scotch, bounces ball well and shows they have a
Good balance.The fine motor skills will show the child is able to tie there own shoe laces and is able to differentiate between drawing.
The second pattern of development is Cognitive/ Language development. During the Cognitive development a child between the ages of 5-6 will show they can enter the school classroom themselves, they can count to 6, the child can Know difference between left and right.
The language development for a child between 5-6 will show a child can now use big words, the …show more content…

The third pattern of development is psychological development. During the psychological development a child between the ages of 5-6 is able to go sleep themselves but will like to talk before going sleep. The child will show signs of jealousy of other children, will take things like small item and say they found it, the chick any have tantrums wanting there own

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