According to (Pastorino, E. & Doyle-Portillo, 2012), psychology is defined as “the scientific study of behavior and mental processes.” (pg. 3). Scientific study is done by using the scientific method. The Scientific method is defined as “a systematic process used by psychologists for testing hypotheses about behavior.” Behavior is the way a person responses to an experience. This can be a physical or an emotional response. The mental processes of people are studied by psychologists to try and understand the mental reasoning behind the behavior of a person does after an experience. In many parts of the world people were working in the area of psychology but hadn’t realized that it was something different. Until 1879, people thought of psychology …show more content…
This means that theories are studied repeatedly. The theories psychologists develop are always based on research. Theories can be changed as new information is discovered. Common sense is something that doesn’t require in depth studies with the scientific method. The six modern theoretical perspectives are evolutionary, cognitive, psychodynamic, behavioral, sociocultural, and humanistic. Evolutionary perspective believes in natural selection. This means that traits that will help you survive will continue to onto new generations where other traits may no longer be passed on. How the human mind process the information and influences behaviors is what the cognitive perspective focuses on. Psychodynamic is focused on how unconscious mental processes and desires can effect behavior. External effects, punishment and reward system, on behavior is studied in the behavioral perspective. Sociocultural is about how the community as a whole can effect on individual, for good or bad. Lastly, humanistic is about your own freewill. The choices you make based on how you feel or think about yourself. The eclectic approach is when psychologist use not just one perspective to study human behavior. It can make studies more complex but the eclectic approach gives a more complete view on human
In the video titled Learned helplessness (PsychYogi, 2014), Martin Seligman conducted a study in which he took three groups of dogs and put them in harnesses. He gave each group a lever that would either stop a charge that electrocuted the dogs, or do nothing. Group one was the control group and did not get electrocuted. The dogs in groups two and three were the experimental groups. Group two had control over the electric shocks and could stop them with the lever. Group three also received the shocks every time group two did, except group three had no control over their own lever. Every time group two pushed their lever to stop the shocks, group three’s shocks also stopped. Group three never knew when their shocks would stop. The dogs in group two learned that the lever would stop the shocks, so the more times they were shocked, the less time it took them to push the lever. Group three was the only group to have symptoms of depression due to learned helplessness (Psychyogi, 2014).
* Refers to the private thoughts, emotions, feelings, and motives that other people can not directly observe.
There are three different theoretical perspectives. Functionalist perspective, which emphasizes the way in which the parts of a society are structured to maintain its stability. Functionalists see the contribution that it makes to society. The conflict perspective, assumes that social behavior is best understood in terms of tension between groups over power or the allocation of resources, and political representation. The interactionalist perspective, which generalize about everyday forms of social interaction in order to explain society as a whole (Schaefer).
This perspective assumes that we all thrive for personality growth, through mental processes and behaviors.. This perspective is different in its methodology compare to the biological approach, and the psychodynamic approach. Both these perspectives assume that human beings are controlled by internal or external forces. There are deterministic in nature. The humanistic perspective, promotes free will, and people can be, whatever, they envision themselves. This perspective was influence by humanists such as Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow, who emphasizes on the importance of individual potentials.
Psychology is the scientific “study of the mind” (Gross, 2015) and behavior, which includes the study of humans and animals. There are various approaches in modern psychology. A theoretical approach is a perspective (view) about human behavior, there may be several different theories within an approach, but they all share these common assumptions and principles. (McLeod, 2007). A theory is an attempt by theorists to try to explain behavior. Theories are not facts but can be verified by testing. Theories can then be evaluated which I aim to do through this essay, where I will briefly explain the theoretical approaches in psychology and aim to focus on an analysis for each perspective which consist of the psychodynamic, humanist, cognitive and behavioral approaches where I will analyze the strengths and weaknesses of each approach separately.
The approach one takes to study a particular subject is called a perspective. There are many subjects to be studied and discussed in the field of Sociology. Perspectives name different ways in which different people choose to analyze a subject, and how they look at a society as a whole. The three different perspectives are the functionalist,
Psychology is the scientific “study of the mind” (Gross, 2015) and behaviour, which includes the study of humans and animals. There are various approaches in modern psychology. A theoretical approach is a perspective which is someone’s view about human behaviour, there can be many different theories within an approach, however they all piece together the same assumptions. (McLeod, 2007). A theory is an attempt by theorists to try to explain behaviour. Theories are not facts but can be verified by testing. Theories can then be evaluated which I aim to achieve through this essay, where I will briefly explain the theoretical approaches in psychology and aim to focus on an analysis of each perspective which consists of the psychodynamic,
The roots of psychology date back to Egypt and the Egyptian mystery system. Psychology has evolved from philosophy, medicine, theology, and science. Psychology evolved out of coalescence of natural science, and also the branch of philosophy which is known as epistemology, which is also known in the theory of knowledge. Psychology in its early times was devote and mainly focused to understanding the mind, as well as measuring it. After this later on in time, psychology focused on understanding behavior.
The four major perspectives of Psychology are: Biological, Learning, Cognitive, and Sociocultural. First, is the biological perspective which relates to bodily events that affect the behavior, feelings, and thoughts. During the biological perspective electrical impulses shoot along the nervous system and hormones flow through the blood stream alerting the internal organs to slow down or speed up. The biological perspective affects the nervous system, hormones, brain chemistry, heredity, and evolutionary influences. A child who has been exposed to abuse may also grow up to abusive which is an example of the biological perspective. Second, is the learning perspective which the environment and experience affect the behavior of humans or animals. The environment either rewards or punish that maintains or discourage behaviors. Behaviors are based on acts and events taking place within the environment. Environmental influences, observations and imitation, beliefs, and values affect the learning perspective. A violent role model can influence a child to behave aggressively is an example of the learning perspective. Third, is the cognitive perspective which is the psychological approach that emphasizes mental process in perception, memory, language, and problem solving. The cognitive perspective shows how thoughts and explanations affect their actions, feelings, and choices. The cognitive approach is one of the strongest forces in psychology. A violent person may be quick to
Behavior Psychology Psychology is defined as a science that focuses on the study of and to
Studies such as the afore mentioned Milgram study showed that what may appear to be the most expected outcome may, in truth, be very different. I would also go on to argue that in actuality all sciences are some adaptation of common sense (Oppenheimer, 1956), leaving Psychology in this way, no different to any of the others. Ben Goldacre even argues that particular forms of science, such as neuroscience, regularly offer empirically incorrect research in reputable journals, claiming statistically significant results without the appropriate statistical tests (Guardian).
Psychology is a scientific application of behaviourism. It evolved from three key areas of research, philosophy, biology and physics. In 1879 a man named Wilhelm Wundt created the first laboratory with the sole
Sociocultural perspective is mainly about how different people are from one another. This theory is used to determine what might trigger or influence someone's behavior or mental stage, such as their surroundings, gender, culture, or even ethnicity. A person's surroundings is a major part of their behavior or actions because this could help a psychologist understand why they think something is normal, or where they picked up some of the habits they may have. For example, someone from a more individual or smaller society will have a more independent of others as well as themselves. Society is also put into the socio-cultural perspective because children tend to lean towards what everyone else does so they could feel pressured to do things just to fit into a group.
Ludy, B. (1986). Why don't they understand us? A history of psychology's public image. American Psychologists, 41, 941-946.
Psychology is the science or study of the thought process and behavior of humans and other animals by their interactions with the environment.(The Columbia Encyclopedia,2015) Studying sense perception, thinking, learning, cognition, emotions and motivation, personality, abnormal behavior, interactions between themselves and the environment are all vital to the interpretation of Psychology.(The Columbia Encyclopedia,2015) With the formulation of the Hypothesis, based on casual observations, a systematic scientific testing procedure begins in order to obtain a resolution or determine if further test needs to be done.Psychology is considered to be a science in that it has many disciplines organized around them. Also data collection through “observation and measurement, using scientific research methods, and the researched gathered in a controlled approach by sifting through all the information to derive all the descriptive, and measurable data needed for justification of the hypothesis” realizing that results might vary due to different variable.(Feist & Rosenberg, 2015, p.6)