
6 Theoretical Perspectives In Psychology

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According to (Pastorino, E. & Doyle-Portillo, 2012), psychology is defined as “the scientific study of behavior and mental processes.” (pg. 3). Scientific study is done by using the scientific method. The Scientific method is defined as “a systematic process used by psychologists for testing hypotheses about behavior.” Behavior is the way a person responses to an experience. This can be a physical or an emotional response. The mental processes of people are studied by psychologists to try and understand the mental reasoning behind the behavior of a person does after an experience. In many parts of the world people were working in the area of psychology but hadn’t realized that it was something different. Until 1879, people thought of psychology …show more content…

This means that theories are studied repeatedly. The theories psychologists develop are always based on research. Theories can be changed as new information is discovered. Common sense is something that doesn’t require in depth studies with the scientific method. The six modern theoretical perspectives are evolutionary, cognitive, psychodynamic, behavioral, sociocultural, and humanistic. Evolutionary perspective believes in natural selection. This means that traits that will help you survive will continue to onto new generations where other traits may no longer be passed on. How the human mind process the information and influences behaviors is what the cognitive perspective focuses on. Psychodynamic is focused on how unconscious mental processes and desires can effect behavior. External effects, punishment and reward system, on behavior is studied in the behavioral perspective. Sociocultural is about how the community as a whole can effect on individual, for good or bad. Lastly, humanistic is about your own freewill. The choices you make based on how you feel or think about yourself. The eclectic approach is when psychologist use not just one perspective to study human behavior. It can make studies more complex but the eclectic approach gives a more complete view on human

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