
Essay about 8th grade graduation speech

Decent Essays

My fellow classmen, as we look back on our years here at school we should remember the meaningful words of a fellow class member of mine when she said, "Dude, where's my iPod?" It's hard for me to think of a better way to describe the many layers of adolescence, because deep down aren?t we all "dudes?" Do we not all have our inner "iPods", and are we not constantly searching for them? Now, we're leaving our childhood behind to study the vast sphere we call planet Earth, into the notorious world of high school, where things will be so much different. Of course we will still have our varied studies, Geometry, Biology, maybe even Forensics or an Accelerated English class here and there. We will still struggle with the daily setbacks formed by …show more content…

Sixth grade was the year we indulged our childish impulses. We played at recess (now only ten minutes long) swinging tetherballs and jumping off of slides (sorry Ms. C). It was our first step into the harsh jungle of No. 2 pencils, algebra, and dare I say it?.upper class eighth graders. Once again, we were at the bottom of the barrel. Let's get a show of hands. Who here remembers John Smith? Yeah those were the days.

Seventh grade was a year of transition, (kind of a metamorphosis) a steady evolution from young girls racing after Paul Stevenson to the more mature 2.0 version that comes from a daily diet of Fall Out Boy and Ludacris. Ah, yes, seventh grade was a year of routy students, computer privileges, and then?..the taking away of computer privileges. It?s a shame how much one little video and a few dumb seventh grade girls can do.

Everyone knows the friends you make in eighth grade last a lifetime, and are we any exception? Look around you, my classmates. As we have learned, these are the faces that will be with us forever, even after they start driving or shaving. These lasting bonds come from pulling those all-nighters before the big quadratic-equation exam (chapter ten I believe) and the grueling square dancing

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