
9/11 Ethical Dilemmas

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This week we had a unprecedented vote in congress. The Senate approved the override on a 97-1 vote, Then the vote in the House was 348-77 Senator Reid voted no and congressman Castor voted present. Also 5 congressperson didn't vote Black, Kirkpatrick, Poe (TX) Rush and Loretta Sanchez,. This bill was to insure that the victims of 9/11 got the chance to sue the Saudi Arabian government of funding the 9/11 terrorists of which 19 out the 21 hijackers were from that country. The powerful emotional appeal of providing 9/11 families a legal avenue to pursue justice overcame the president veto.

They filed the suit because of many reports that Saudi princes were funding the terrorists group Al Qaeda. In fact a few former FBI members were told to back off from investigating the …show more content…

he wrote to Sen. Reid and Sen.McConnell

"Enacting JASTA into law ... would neither protect Americans from terrorists attacks nor improve the effectiveness of our response to such attacks. Doing so would instead threaten to erode sovereign principles that protect the United States, including our U.S. Armed Forces and other officials, overseas," Obama wrote. "That is why I vetoed the bill and why I believe you should vote to sustain the veto."

Obama also warned it could damage America's relationship with Saudi Arabia, a key Middle East ally, and other allies who might be accused of terrorism. Like Dubai and Iraq who citizens has also perpetrated acts of terrorism in this country.

John Cornyn of Texas said, "How can anyone look at the families in the eye and tell them that they shouldn't have the opportunity to seek justice against a foreign government responsible for the death of their loved

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