
9 / 11 Reflection

Decent Essays

September 11, 2001 was one of the most influential days in the history of the United States to date. Although the physical attacks only happened in New York City, Washington DC, and a field in Pennsylvania, not a sliver of our country has been left untouched. 16 years later, our country is still facing challenges that can be directly tied back to the effects of 9/11. It was not just an event that changed the United States, but also has completely changed how the entire world has come to interact and cooperate. As a consequence, the way that we view terrorism and certain ethnicities have been drastically altered as a means to justify the excruciating crisis that our country went through at the turn of the new millennium. Earlier this spring, I was fortunate enough to be able to attend Ground Zero and the 9/11 Memorial. Since descending the stairs into the museum, my outlook and views of 9/11 have forever been changed. Although the entire museum was such a moving experience, there was one thing in particular that really hit home for me. I realized that the portrayal of other none Caucasian races in the United States had been permanently changed. I have four cousins that were adopted from the Philippines and I immediately thought about the things they would endure during their lifetime of living in the United States. Many people worldwide are looking for a certain portion of the population to target and blame for the numerous terrorist attacks that have happened globally and

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