
9/11 Rhetoric

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The Democratic presidential candidate Clinton referred to the controversy about Muslims on Bush. The 68-year-old recalled their constituents during an event this month because Bush had visited a Muslim center, just six days after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 th
She cited the controversial former president, even with the words with which he spoke of those who are intimidated Muslim American citizens ". They represent the worst of humanity, and you should be ashamed of this behavior," Bush said Also in his speech: "Muslims should be treated with respect."

The words of Bush and the current Republican presidential candidate of his party could not be more different. Head in the Polls Donald Trump called for a temporary ban on entry …show more content…

Their propaganda to recruit new fighters was partly due to an alleged apocalyptic battle between Islam and the West. Therefore, Democrats warned that proposals such as Trump endanger the country's national security.
Quite different, however, the rhetoric of Bush spent, almost in the democratic camp were told. "I'm after, 9/11 very proud, as he clearly and firmly shown that it is not a war against Islam," Obama said recently. In the presidential candidates addressed it added: "You must follow his example it was just that he was the right impulse ..."
Rival Democrat Clinton Bernie Sanders is the main similar view. His visit to the mosque this month, with which he wanted to show his solidarity with the faithful of Islam, reminded a bit of "9/11" reaction Bush. The Democratic National Committee has even published an ad, comments from Republican candidates facing today a set of Bush, who was "Islam is

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