
9/11 Short Stories

Decent Essays

It's a Saturday evening, and it’s getting late. I’m taking a stroll in a nearby park while on my way home when I came across a bizarre sight. I’m curious as to what was going on so I approached the scene. As I came closer I observed 3 bodies; they appeared to be witches. Each gruesome, their hair lanky and grimy, cunning eyes of a cat, hooked nose, snaggleteeth, and they all had vile warts on their nose. They frightened me! However, I had never witnessed anything like them before, so I stayed. They stared upon me with glaring, demonic eyes. I asked the witches what I will be doing after high school is over. They asked me for ingredients to place in their cauldron to help guide them to answering my question. They demanded 13 ingredients of me for this wicked brew. …show more content…

In an instant they tossed it in the pot to my disbelief, seeing the necklace and charm bracelet ruined. Upon that they asked me for my graduation cap and gown, which was drowned in the pot along with the rest of my valuables. I gave them an inactive plane ticket from 4 years ago when I went on a trip to Florida with my family. The college brochures I had in my room stacked to the top of the ceiling are tossed into the pot without a care. I looked on with shock as the witches destroyed all things that I held dear to

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