Anchor Babies What is an anchor baby? Would you like someone to call your children an anchor baby? When many illegal women come to the United States to have babies, so they can obtain citizenship for the children, and then they would return to their country, so that when their children are old enough, they may return to the U.S with no problems is called an anchor baby. As a young immigrant I would dislike it if someone called my children such a disgusting name. Personally, I have lived all the terrors, immigrants go through dangerous obstacles just to reach the American dream. The desert is not a safe way to reach the American dream, been lost for three to more days, starvation, and thirst are not a way to die. Therefore, the Supreme Court should not repeal or change the Fourteenth Amendment. “In both ways large or small immigrants have helped shape the United States for the better”. Also, immigrants have contributed to the state’s economic growth, and the American culture. The physical growth and political power that we have now would had ceased to exist. [Debate pg. 591] In addition, the United States is created by a diversity of immigrant cultures. Currently, “approximately 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the United States” [Debate pg. 592]. Changing or repealing the fourteenth amendment, will leave many U.S citizens, children of immigrants stateless without an origin of birth. For example, Chinese came to the United States to work as
This article is a letter to the editor about the controversy about the 14th amendment and whether letting illegal immigrant children becoming citizens follows that amendment. According to the 14th amendment, a person must pass two requirements in order to become an automatic citizen; they must be born in the U.S and be “ subject to its jurisdiction and with no other allegiance to another country”. Senator Jacob Howard explained that the 14th amendment excluded the Native Americans and “persons born in the U.S who are foreigners, aliens, [or] who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers. Said differently, the amendment didn’t refer to what are called “ partial’’ jurisdiction, as “sojourners” and the amendment absolutely did
Pongskon Bupphasawan Professor Sharifian Government 2305-75427 June 30, 2017 The Fourteenth Amendment Introduces a Passive Citizenship The 14th Amendment authorizes all the people who is born on the U.S. soil automatically get an U.S. citizenship. Therefore, the 14th Amendment brings thousands of foreigners who desire American residency to give their children birth in the U.S. There are no laws to reject pregnant women to come to the U.S. Foreigners believe they would get a better healthcare and many of them believe to seek American Dream. 1 According to the “Born In The USA: Why Chinese ‘Birth Tourism’ Is Booming In California”, “Chinese women are flocking to the United States — California, in particular — to have children who will grow up as American citizens,” and it reports that “Chinese births in the U.S, but estimates by industry publications projected a total of 60,000 for 2014” (Sheehan). The 14th Amendment should require more process to give a U.S. citizen from birth tourism by requiring the tourists parents enroll in a program that teach about U.S. government, and they will know the duty of American is a must for Americans.
Much controversy has been seen in politics specifically in immigration and the ratification of the 14th amendment. While some argue that changes should be made to the 14th amendment, others argue that immigrants are major contributors to the United States economy. Over the recent years, rising immigration numbers have been seen however, the impact on the US has shown more pros than cons. There should not be any more restrictions to the 14th amendment because having those hard-working Americans has played a significant role such as supporting the US need for economic growth, education, and innovation-essential skills.
The 14th Amendment played a large role in the way we perceive today’s society. Being that the beginning of the 14th Amendment states “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside”, the intent of the 14th Amendment is to stop the granting of automatic citizenship of new born babies in the United States. Those babies were born by illegal mothers which deems them to be considered as illegal immigrants. The reason why immigration is bad is due to immigrants taking control of the resources that were meant for Americans to use; such as jobs, free health benefits, education benefits, free housing and much more, thus triggering the start of the 14th Amendment. Aside from immigration, another motive for the 14th Amendment was due to other states violating United States citizens’ rights. In the case
Single individuals that stay in the United States do not have children right away, because that was never their intention. Since most immigrants arrive in the U.S. by themselves, they end up looking for company that many times results in marriage, children or both. Therefore, these people come to consider a permanent life in the U.S. Additionally, data from the Pew Research Center shows that more than 90% of the illegal immigrants in the United States, didn’t have children until two years after they came to the U.S.(Gomez). Though some politicians use mass media to misinform the American people, to make them believe that “Anchor Babies” are a problem for the society. Aside people that oppose immigrants and their children, many Americans constantly
The fourteenth Amendment clearly states that all persons born or naturalized in the United states, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state where they reside. This amendment enables pregnant woman to come into the United States , either legally or illegally, long enough to have a baby born in the United States granting them with full rights of citizenship and return home. People have come to question and assume that this section of the fourteenth amendment has become a problem, believing that these pregnant women have arrived to only bring disgrace and in justice to our Country. Those people who question these pregnants women's thoughts and actions, are wrong. These Women are not a problem to the United States for not all of their intentions are wrong, and most of their hearts are in the right place.
The Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution: “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and the State wherein they reside.” Although misread and misunderstood, it is understood that if a child is born on U.S. soil, that child is a U.S. citizen. More than 300,000 “anchor babies” are born in the United States every year. In 2003 in 70 percent of the 2,300 babies born in San Joaquin General Hospital were anchor babies. Illegal female immigrants flock to the U.S. to have their babies delivered in our hospitals. They do not pay the medical bills and because their babies are U.S. citizens, the child is immediately eligible for welfare. In 1994, approximately 75,000 anchor babies cost California hospitals $215 million. Anchor babies now account for half of all Medi-Cal births. It’s this type of abuse that has led to hospitals going out of business. (Cosman, 2005) California isn’t the only state where illegal immigrants anchor themselves through the delivery of a baby on U.S. soil. This goes on all across the country, and they cannot be
Immigration has become a very controversial topic that no one can stop talking about. From President Barack Obama’s Immigration Reform to potential 2016 presidential candidates, everyone is looking at different ways to amend our broken immigration system. Almost everyone agrees that we need tighter border control and there needs to be more regulations to prevent the hiring of illegal immigrants. Not everyone is sure what should be decided about immigrant parents, who are not American citizens, and their American born children. This topic has left people questioning the 14th Amendment and “birthright citizenship.” While some people have no tolerance for these children and want them out, others have thought of better solutions that keep the
In the United States, the cliché of a nation of immigrants is often invoked. Indeed, very few Americans can trace their ancestry to what is now the United States, and the origins of its immigrants have changed many times in American history. Despite the identity of an immigrant nation, changes in the origins of immigrants have often been met with resistance. What began with white, western European settlers fleeing religious persecution morphed into a multicultural nation as immigrants from countries across the globe came to the U.S. in increasing numbers. Like the colonial immigrants before them, these new immigrants sailed to the Americas to gain freedom, flee poverty and
Those opposed to ending the clause in the Birthright Citizenship Amendment will argue that… “The framers' intent was to create an objective basis for establishing citizenship—birth—not a subjective standard left to the whim of a majority. The United States has, for that reason, never struggled like other nations to integrate those born here” (Fitz, 2010). The thought process here is that those born natural citizens of the US from alien parents will always carry the stigma of having been the children of aliens. This could cause more undue injustice towards these people than the founding fathers wanted. After all, they were all alien to this soil.
According to the American Immigration Council “There are approximately 1.5 million undocumented children in the United States, and each year tens of thousands graduate from primary or secondary school, often at the top of their classes.” For most of these students, legal status squanders their chances at pursuing higher education and following their dreams: leaving them with uncertain futures. This is a very compelling problem because the U.S. is the only home a lot of these students have known. A lot of these students become fluent in English and serve as interpreters for their parents-which helps their parents become accustomed to the American culture and successfully integrate into society. These students have the potential to excel in medicine, law, education, business, entrepreneurship, etc.
“We are nation of immigrants. Some came here willingly, some unwillingly. Nonetheless, we are immigrants, or the descendants of immigrants, one, and all. Even the natives came from somewhere else, originally. All of the people who come to this country come for freedom, or for some product of that extraordinary, illusory condition. That is what we offer here—freedom and opportunity in a land of relative plenty.” (Middletown Journal 2005)
I lived a happy childhood in California I never had an experience with racism and discrimination, until I moved to Reno, NV for school. I went to a Donald Trump conference to rally the event. A middle age man approached me and started shouting to me and some friends to “go back to Mexico!” I later yelled back I’m an American just like you I was born in the U.S. He kept saying vulgar words to me and started to tell me if my parents are immigrants so am I, I am an anchor baby. The term anchor baby started to get popular because of the candidate Donald Trump. The American heritage dictionary of English language definition is considered an offensive word “Used as a disparaging term for a child born to
The subject of illegal immigration coupled with the concern of the growing number of illegal immigrants in the United States has been a long standing national debate. A single finite definition of the term “illegal immigrant” has proven difficult to specify. For the purposes of this paper, I will use the term “undocumented immigrant” defined as an individual who has “entered the United States illegally or violated the terms of their residency status” (Chan, Scott, Krishel, Bramwell, and Clark, 2006).
According to the fourteenth amendment website the fourteenth amendment “is currently misinterpreted to give citizenship to children born in the United States of illegal alien parents. These children, via their birthright citizenship, act as anchor babies and can, upon reaching the age of majority, facilitate bringing their extended family into the US in order to obtain citizenship. Although some experts believe that a Constitutional amendment would be necessary to remedy the misinterpretation, many believe that Congressional action would be sufficient and is urgently warranted.” Not until later was it seen “With illegal aliens who are unlawfully in the United States, their native country has a claim of allegiance on the child. Thus, the completeness of their allegiance to the United States is impaired, which therefore precludes automatic citizenship” (Fourteen Amendment). This was basically a warning for immigrants stating they are responsible for their child and they would not become legal just because they were born in the United States and they would both be claimed by their native land. For example, if a woman from Mexico was to come to the United States illegally, at 8 months pregnant, and have her baby they would not just become legal citizens.