
A Beam Of Light Through The Darkness

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A Beam of Light Through the Darkness

The novel “Night” by Elie Wiesel, a Holocaust survivor, tells the story of Wiesel as a Jewish teenager who studied the Torah and the Cabbala and the rocking of that faith by the events that we now know as the Holocaust. The narrative begins in 1944 in Wiesel’s hometown of Sighet, in Hungarian Transylvania. It tells the story of the Nazi occupation of Hungary and Elie and his family’s, as well as other Jews’, oppressive arrests by Germans and their nightmarish abduction from Sighet to the German concentration camps at Auschwitz. Throughout their journey, victims were forced into cattle cars and left near starvation until they finally arrived at …show more content…

These examples show the strong connection of the Jews to their faith before they were deported. They still had hope in faith despite knowing that their lives may be in danger.
Second, the Jews of Sighet remained optimistic about their deportation and compared the deportation to going on a holiday. In fact, they were even willing to volunteer for their deportation. In anticipation of their deportation, they imagined and expected that something better was waiting for them in the new place. They perceived the change as a new opportunity for them to better their life, such as to acquire a new home and pursue new career opportunities. In somewhat of an ignorant optimism, they refused to believe anything bad would happen to them. The Jewish people, including Elie and his family, tried to carry on with their regular life routine without considering that what lies ahead could be death and destruction. The perception of normality among the change thus cast a positive light on their situation. For example, when the Jews were forced to move into ghettos, they acted relieved that they no longer have to deal with prejudice.
On the radio, the news announced that there were daily bombings of Germany and Stalin, which made up the preparation of the second Front. The Jews of Sighet believed that there were better days yet to come and that Hitler would not be able to harm them. The mentality of the Jews of Sighet is especially apparent through the

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