
A Better Life, And Dirty Pretty Things : Film Analysis

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This paper will explore the multiple themes faced by various immigrant cultures around the world that have been analysed throughout this course. In A Better Life, and Dirty Pretty Things, British and American directors have explored similar themes depicting the exploitation of illegal immigrant workers. In The Namesake, and Bhaji on the Beach, American and British directors have shed light on the assimilation and discrimination that is predominant in immigrant life. In Ali: Fear Eats the Soul and Kebab Connection, German film directors depict some of the advantages and struggles common in inter-ethnic/inter-racial relationships. Finally, in America, America and A Better Life, American directors have explored the difficulty immigrants willingly face while migrating to another country due to the belief they can achieve a better life In A Better Life, and Dirty Pretty Things, British and American directors have explored similar themes depicting the exploitation of illegal immigrant workers, as well as deportation. In the 2002 British film Dirty Pretty Things an illegal Nigerian immigrant, Okwe, drives a cab in London during the day and works at the front desk of a hotel at night. Similarly, in the 2011 American film A Better Life in which an illegal Mexican immigrant, Carlos, works as a gardener. These are both menial labor jobs, with almost no chance of advancement. The directors of these films have depicted the exploitation of labor immigrants face in different ways. Dirty

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