
A Brave New World Quote Analysis

Decent Essays

Brave New World is a futuristic Sci-Fi novel based on genetically bred humans. Instead of a mother and father, people are created in assembly lines and conditioned from the day they are created for their life’s work. This conditioning controls their entire life, from opinions to emotions. Choices in controlling one’s own life are also limited due to the censorship in the novel. Throughout the novel, censorship affects how the characters act and react in certain circumstances. For example, John, who is main character that did not grow up in this society, was astonished and disgusted that the members of the new world society did not watch or read things with emotions or advanced plots. After discussing this with Mustapha Mond, the controller of the censorship, John was told that they cannot understand advanced plots, such as those in Shakespeare’s Othello. Mustapha explained that the new world society would not comprehend the negative emotions, God, or the negativity in death that occur within these classic novels because they have never encountered such obscure topics. In the novel, John wanted to express his thoughts and opinions by quoting Shakespeare, but no one was ever able to understand what he was talking about. …show more content…

Because of their conditioning before decanting and training through childhood, the children were taught what their opinions should be and what they should think. Therefore, instead of thinking, “I hate my boring job with embryos, I wish I was an Alpha,” the characters think, “I am so glad I am a Beta and work with embryos.” (Their social classes were also created for them before they are even born. They are Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Epsilon.) Through this, they were unable to discover their interests and do the job that they might have truly wanted before being

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