
A Brief Look at George Friedrich Bernhard Riemann

Decent Essays

George Friedrich Bernhard Riemann, born in Breselenz, Germany, was a prominent and influential mathematician during the nineteenth century. At a young age, Riemann was recognized by his teachers for his swift grasping of complicated mathematical operations. Riemann attended the University of Gottingen where he developed a strong foundation in theoretical physics from Johann Listing and other notable professors. Riemann introduced concepts of mathematical importance such as the complex variable theory, analytic number theory, and differential geometry. Revolutionizing the field of geometry, Riemann set foundations for theoretical physics, modern topology, and the general theory of relativity. Riemann spent his adolescent years in a village near Danneberg, in midst of the Kingdom of Hanover. His father , Friedrich Riemann, was a poor Lutheran pastor while his mother, Charlotte Ebell, died before Bernhard reached adulthood. While exhibiting exceptional mathematical skill at a young age, Riemann suffered from nervous breakdowns and a fear of speaking in public. He attended high school at Johanneum Luneburg, where he developed a reputation for exceeding his professor’s mathematical knowledge. In 1846, Riemann attended the University of Gottingen, where he initially studied philosophy and theology. However, Riemann later began studying mathematics and transferred to the University of Berlin, after receiving a recommendation from Carl Friedrich Gauss. Riemann attended lectures

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