
A Brief Look at Homelessness

Decent Essays

Investigate a Social Issue Draft 1. Specific Hypothesis
Why are people homeless?
I think people are homeless because, homelessness and poverty are linked. Poor people are sometimes unable to pay for housing, food, childcare, health care, and education. At times some difficult choices must be made when limited resources cover only some of these necessities. Paying rent takes up a lot of ones paycheck so would be the first to go if money was tight. Two factors help account for increasing poverty: employment and the declining value and availability of public assistance. A lack of affordable housing and the limited housing assistance programs have contributed to the current housing crisis and to homelessness. But what all of this comes down to homelessness is defined as: The condition of a person or persons living without a regular dwelling...
2. Applicable Sociological Concepts
A. Conflict Theory
Most people become homeless due to circumstances that have overwhelmed them combined with hardly any family support structure. Conflict-theorists would most likely not consider homelessness, in itself, to be a problem whatsoever. A conflict theorist would claim that the reason the homeless problem persists is not because of a homeless individual's supposed inability to advance oneself. Rather, the conflict theorist would say that the cause of homelessness stems from those who cannot find a place to work or a physical address to call home. Therefore, when the state denies

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