
A Brief Note On Crime And Its Measurement

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This question focuses on crime and its measurement which is one of the most controversial topics in modern times. There has been a lot of debates by politicians, the media and the general public whether crime is falling or rising. We shall attempt a definition of what is crime, what are crime statistics, what is known and not known about crime in England and Wales, the techniques used in measuring crime, and the evaluation of the strength and weaknesses of the different ways of measuring crime. Our final discussion will be on the reliability of the statistical data and the criminologists view or perspective of the various data sources.
Crime is the "study of the making of laws, the …show more content…

Statistics in modern society is very vital tool for governance. Statistics are "relatively large scale", which "uses numeric data and statistical procedures to analyse such data and reach conclusions" .
The Crime Survey for England and Wales reported that in the year ending 2014, crime had fallen from the previous year. Also the current survey figures published by the Statistical bulletin for England and Wales in the year ending March, 2015 'shows a 7% reduction from the previous year. The survey showed that for the offences covered, there was an estimated 6.8 million incidents of crime against households and resident adults (aged 16 and above). This showed a decrease of 7% and the lowest estimate since the CSEW began in 1981. ' The sources of official crime statistics in England and Wales are from police records and Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW). The police recorded crimes are report from the public, confessions from arrested offenders and through police investigations via the emergency telephone emergency system (the 999 number in UK). The police only records crimes known as 'notifiable offences ' and these are divided into ten categories, namely, burglary, robbery, handling stolen goods, violence against the person, criminal damage, theft, fraud and forgery.
The National Crime Recording Standard requirement was that the police record a crime if "the circumstances as reported amount to a crime as

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