The peer-to-peer file sharing application used within the organization has be essential in ensuring the availability of shared files. Anybody can write file-sharing software, so when downloading unauthorized file-sharing software to a company computer you should be aware of the possibility that the resources on that computer may become susceptible to various vulnerabilities and threats. This evaluation will identify as well as provide an assessment of the risks associated with unauthorized installation of file-sharing software on company servers, desktops, and laptops, identify three technology-based solutions that could provide effective protection measures, as well as provide a matrix that will categorize and assess the risks associated with the installation of unauthorized software on company electronic communication assets will also be evaluated.
The peer-to-peer file sharing application used within the organization has be essential in ensuring the availability of shared files. The quality of work has increased and departments are running more efficiently. Like any other application there are advantages and disadvantages associated with applications, this particular application may render the company’s data and software vulnerable. This evaluation will identify as well as provide an assessment of the risks associated with unauthorized installation of file-sharing software on company servers, desktops, and laptops. Secondly an evaluation of three
Despite the presence of network security devices such as firewalls and other security appliances, today's corporate networks are still vulnerable to both internal and external attacks by hackers intent on creating havoc. By proactively
When businesses provide computers for public use, several challenges are presented. In addition to allowing the general public this service, and ultimately growing their market share, a business must define the line between appropriate use and securing the network.
The use of information technology in business presents major security challenges, poses serious ethical question, and affects society in significant ways. Especially, the computer crime is a growing threat to society and is caused by the criminal or irresponsible actions of individuals who are taking advantage of the widespread use and vulnerability of computers and the Internet and other networks. It presents a major challenge to the integrity, safety, and survival of most business systems.
Peer-to-Peer file sharing is a more unorthodox way of obtaining files because instead of going through a web browser to get files, computer users use software such as Limewire and Vuze to access the files on other user’s computers. These file sharing software find as many computers as they can with the files that they are looking for, divide up the information necessary among the computers, and download a fraction of information from each computer. Each computer is given the title “peer” if it is utilized in the
Have you ever heard of peer to peer file sharing technology or P2P? What is P2P? According to J.A Pouwelse. P. Garbacki and his article “The Bittorrent P2P File-Sharing System: Measurements and Analysis”, “P2P is the transfer of a digital file from one “peer” to another. “peer” refers to computer clients. This transfer can be as simple as the File Transfer Protocol(FTP), which transfer a file directly to a visitor’s personal computer through a server-hosted website (Pouwelse, Garbacki, Epema, Sip, 2005).” File sharing create many ethical issues, but these ethical issues can be different if we are looking at it morally, ethically or legally. Moral is an individual’s belief about right or wrong. Not everyone will have the same moral beliefs because they have different background or culture. For examples, we can see many people streaming many document online and or sharing this document and these people do not consider this issue a problem. If we look at it in an author stand point we might consider this issue a problem since it influences our benefit. On the other hand, if we are looking at a user standpoint, we do not think it is a problem because we are not paying for the information we are accessing. We can conclude, that It depends on your cultural belief. Ethic is a belief that depends on the society. The society or a group determines if a situation is good or bad. An individual cannot change the ethical belief unless a group. This can be
This report will outline that it would be useful for our company to subsidize free distribution of anti-virus software to our home users. There will be analysis of the connection between the company 's network and home users and how this will help our company 's problems with viruses. I will discuss the other issues besides providing free software to home users that affect the network security of our firm. Additionally, I will describe the roles of top management/non-IT management, IT professionals, and end-users in maintaining network security. Finally, I will bring out the role that Robert Vamosi envisions for corporate customers relative to free antivirus software based on his article, “Antivirus software must be free,
The internet is one of the most exciting phenomena to be invented in the world of technology. It was widely received and accepted by all sectors of the society, including the government, and businesses. The communication and media platforms were on the frontline in embracing the new technology. The internet is currently the largest source of music and video content. The availability of high-speed internet connections and a creation of inexpensive and easily distributable digital contents has facilitated to the high number of downloads. This has been attributed with both advantages and disadvantages. The creation of peer-to-peer (P2P) media sharing platforms led to a rise of the controversy surrounding this form of media consumption. This paper discusses the moral issues arising from file sharing. With a worldwide reach, the internet has facilitated massive downloads of copyrighted contents without the knowledge or proper compensation of the rightful author. However, the providing, sharing, or downloading content on these platforms is a violation intellectual property rights known as piracy.
There also arises an issue of students bringing their own storage media which as well as external storage devices includes the student’s device itself. It is possible that the student’s devices have become corrupted with various issues such as, worms, virus, adware and spyware. Depending on the conditions, the network connection may create an environment for the malware to spread to other devices and cause multiple infections. However an advantage of this would be the school would not need to spend money on backup hardware.
Peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing systems are becoming increasingly popular due to their flexibility and scalability. A peer-to-peer, or “P2P,” file transfer service allows the user to share computer files through the Internet. Examples of P2P services include KaZaA, Grokster, Gnutella, Morpheus, and BearShare. This document is about the peer to peer file sharing technology. It discusses about what peer to peer technology and file sharing is. It also states the pros and cons of the peer to peer file sharing and how Network coding is useful to overcome the disadvantages of the traditional p2p file sharing technology,also discusses some network coding based p2p file sharing and Microsoft Avalanche.
The unique attributes of certain applications lend themselves amicable to the peer-computing model. Peer-computing applications make efficient use of computing resources around the "edge" of the network. The efficiency of peer-computing networks is enhanced by the availability of higher distributed storage capacity and computational cycles. Certain applications take advantage of direct connection between peer devices, thereby improving the efficiency of the communication link. In this paper, the working of the BitTorrent protocol is discussed, along with the improved efficiency in certain kinds of applications. This paper further talks about the usage of BirTorrent protocol over local-area-network (LAN).
In a peer-to-peer (P2P) network, every machine plays the role of client and server at the same time. Although a P2P network has a number of advantages over the traditional client-server model in terms of efficiency and fault-tolerance, additional security threats can be introduced. Users and IT administrators need to be aware of the risks from propagation of malicious code, the legality of downloaded content, and vulnerabilities within peer-to-peer software. Security and preventative measures should be implemented to protect from any potential leakage of
Peer to Peer (or simplified as P2P) connections are a way to share to share a variety of files. Some examples include music, movies, games, and documents. Essentially, with a P2P model, each user is also a server. Users can download data being shared on their peer’s servers, and in turn share the data they downloaded with other users as well (makeuseof). So in more practical terms, P2P sharing gives the users total control over what is uploaded and downloaded in a P2P network. It’s the Wild West of file sharing. It has lawful and legitimate uses—such as a business using a P2P network to share important documents with its employees—but it is also an efficient tool for piracy.
Malicious insiders have many ways to remove data from any organizational system. With the positive sides of internet; we also have to face the negative impacts of it. The malicious insiders can transfer the data through the use of emails or storage services. As a result, the organizations have to face challenges and take correct measures to protect their confidentiality. Microsoft’s Google Docs and SkyDrive need to be protected too as they allow to upload files without considering whether encrypted or not(Silowash, Lewellen, Burns, & Costa, 2011).
Incident response is usually one of those security areas that tend to be impromptucompanies don't think about it until they have to. But that needs to change. In this paper I will discuss five steps - identification, containment, eradication, and recovery and follow up a business use to effectively response to a security threat and I will suggest four actions -use encryption and passwords, e-mail protection, install antivirus software, install workstation firewalls a businesses can take to effectively prevent a security incident in the future.
Information is a valuable asset for businesses and organizations. Advances in information technology facilities the storing, transferring, and modifying of data. Organizations use information technologies such as the Internet and networked technology to reduce operating costs, improve customer service, and improve productivity. However, Using the Internet has increased the number of frontier that must be protected and has bought a lot of concerns about security issues. (Ezingeard, McFadzean, & Birchall, 2005)