
A Brief Note On Pre World War II

Decent Essays

The social, economic, and political landscapes of the pre-World War II United States, from 1931 to 1939, were substandard compared to their post-World War II counterparts. Pre-World War II United States is characterized by the worst economic crisis in the nation’s history. The Great Depression(1929-1939) was a global phenomenon that was associated with the American stock market crash in 1929. The economic downturn resulted in high unemployment rates(25%), reduced wages, high interest rates, and high deflation that would not let up completely until the start of World War II(p.849-850). Millions of Americans lost their life savings due to the uncontrolled stock speculation by banks and other financial institutions(p.850). Americans also …show more content…

Laborers had been continuously fighting for these rights for decades, but were harshly put down through corporate collusion with government. The thousands of labor strikes that took place during the 1930’s bore testament to the built up frustrations of the average worker who found little political representation in government. The Wagner Act of 1935 and the Fair Labor Standards bill of 1939 provided some relief for this political minority, but labor conditions would not vastly improve until the 1940’s. The social scene of the 1930’s experienced even less improvement than the political scene. Contrary to the prevalence of notable women in government, such as Eleanor Roosevelt, organized feminism would disappear entirely from the public sphere (p.885). Women, as well as all racial minorities, faced tremendous backlash for “taking” employment opportunities away from white workers during the Great Depression. In reality, during the Great Depression women were relegated to the low-wage clerical and service jobs, and were actively removed from the public sector (p.886). Racial minorities, such as African-Americans and Mexicans, faced systematic unemployment and deportation, respectively, to enable more opportunity for white workers. The employed minorities were forced into agricultural labor; an industry completely ignorant of

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