
A Brief Note On Steven - Reflective Essay

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Woon, Steven - Reflective essay Psych 100 6:30 pm V. Favilla I have always found psychology to be interesting and throughout this class i have found many things to be interesting but the three topics I found to be the most interesting and appealing to me were, the motivation chapter, the chapter on cognitive development, and the chapter on our senses and memory. All these chapter were very interesting to me and taught me a lot of new things. The Chapter about memory and senses really interested me after watching the TED video with the professional pickpocket. Seeing just how easy it was for him to use a persons memory and physical senses at the same time to manipulate a person into not knowing and practically being clueless about what …show more content…

For example if you find it difficult to go to the gym on a day to day basis or do not like going this will take more will power than doing a task that you like such as watching your favorite t.v. show. Every little thing you do can affect your daily processes 2 and how easy or tough it is for you to get through the day. Although will power is limited and is refreshed by resting or sleeping, you can also regain some of your will power by taking a quick breather, just sit back take a deep breath for about six seconds then breathe out. There are also many ways to increase your amount of will power and how much you are limited to before you run out of will power and become lazy and do not want to do anything. Some easy ways to increase your will power is by simply exercising, or increasing the amount of difficult tasks you do. Doing these will increase your will power and will allow you to change your mindset and will motivate you to achieve more. Each person has their own motivation and their own amount of will power they are willing to exert on different tasks it just depends on you and how willing you are to strive to achieve your goals you set along the way. There are many aspects that go into motivation and obtaining your goals. As for motivation towards obtaining your greater goals, the easiest thing to do is to break down your ultimate goal into smaller easier to obtain goals that you are more willing to do.

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