
A Brief Note On The Buddhist Holiday Vesak

Decent Essays

The Buddhist holiday Vesak is an observation of the birth, enlightenment, and death (otherwise known to the Buddhist religion as parinirvana), of Siddhartha Guantama, more commonly known as the Buddha (O 'Brien). Krishna Janmashtami, a Hindu holiday, celebrates the birthday of Hinduism’s favorite deity, Krishna, who was thought to be the most powerful reincarnation of the god Vishnu (Das). Both Vesak and Krishna Janmashtami are holidays that celebrate the lives of a specific and important individual to the religion, yet the beliefs that belong to each one create different characteristics and traditions of the holiday and how it is celebrated. Vesak is the most sacred holiday to millions of Buddhists around the world, and the most important day celebrated by Theravada Buddhists (United Nations). It commemorates the birth of Siddhartha Guantama, his enlightenment that occurred at the age of 35 that granted him as the Buddha, as well as his parinirvana and final passing at the age of 80 (Dhammadharo and Bikkhua). Each of these events was said to take place on a full moon of the Hindu lunar month, Vesakha, where the name of the day originates from (BBC). Due to this conclusion from the Buddhist scriptures it was founded, it designates when the holiday will be celebrated; the day of the full moon. The holiday always falls in May or early June, but the specific date changes depending on the country and/or calendar being used, being that the full moon falls on different days. For

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