
A Call To Adventure Literature Assignment : A Call To Adventure Literature

Decent Essays

Riaan Dhankhar
Lit. & Comp.
Newark Academy

A Call to Adventure Literature Assignment
As the car slowly drives down the unpaved driveway I turn around to look at the barefoot children running after the car. As the car slowly drives away and the children fade away a broad grin spreads across my face. Just two months ago I would not have even dreamed of setting up a library in a poor government school in the slums of the Indian city of Jaipur.
. . . .
It was another one of those unrealistic normal days in my house. The birds were chirping, the dogs were barking, and the people were screaming.
“A LIBRARY” I screamed “ How am I supposed to set up a library in less than two months”
My mom replied with her oh so generic answer.
“By managing your time and working hard and remember this was your idea not mine” I could smell the sarcasm from a mile away. Ever since my aunt had started a non profit organization in India (which helps government schools in India build libraries with English books in their schools that don't have them (which is pretty much all of them)) I have wanted to help her and set up a library of my own. And when I heard we were going to India over the summer, I felt like the library was just calling for me to come!The one thing that caught me off guard was the time constraint. With two months left to go before I set up the library, I was officially freaking out. With the help of my mom in just one month, we raised enough money to buy over 250 books.

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