
A Campaign Advisor For An Emerging Political Party Essay

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I am a campaign advisor for an emerging political party called the Egalitarian Party of the United States. This party is still quite new on the political scene and lacks widespread credibility. Nonetheless, we are hoping to have a definitive impact on the upcoming federal election in the hopes of generating a strong base of support and priming ourselves for great prosperity in the near future. For our party, the issue that is of most significant and pressing consequence in United States is that of income inequality. As a western state, the US currently operates based on capitalist ideals that benefit large corporations and the wealthiest portion of the population. Although this system looks good on the surface, it has proven to have debilitating consequences on the vast majority of the population. Most new wealth being generated goes directly into the pockets of the top 1%, which has caused the middle class to shrink and has stunted economic development. In order to obtain success, our party must frame the issue in a strategic and constructive lens that mobilizes voters and engages the population as we fight for economic equality. Our party will have to be very cognizant of how it conveys its message if it hopes to gain respect and recognition going forward, and there are a number of strategies relating to political psychology that will be effective if implemented properly. One of the most important orders of business in this campaign has to do with finding constructive ways

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