
A Career As A Science Teacher

Decent Essays

Science teachers are imperative to society because these are the people are who educate, inform, and empower the future generations to revolutionize technology by creating a more energy efficient future world to live in. Science helps us understand our world, allows us to manufacture new technologies, and create innovative ways to solve problems. A science teacher in high school will teach a variety of subjects including, chemistry, physics, earth science, biology, anatomy, health science, and physiology. It would be a rewarding career for the author by enjoying young creative and innovative minds.
Section I: Only certain people are equipped and possess the necessary traits that are needed when dealing with and educating adolescents. To be able to be a successful high school teacher of any subject it is important to have patience, instructional abilities, good communication skills, willingness to except new technologies, and above all have a motivation to continuously learn new things. (“What You’ll Do as a Science Teacher,” n.d.) Many people are born with and naturally have these characteristics, but if not there are many ways to gain experience. To gain patience he/she should consciously make an effort to take your time and slow down instead of constantly being in a rush. It is always important to live in the moment because in this day in age many things people are involved in are one hundred miles per hour and that should not be the case if you are trying to practice

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