
My Future Career As A Specialist Instructor / Teacher

Decent Essays

The book Drive was able to make me realize when looking at my future career, I need to ask myself, “What will make me happy for the rest of my life?” and not “What will make me rich?” Daniel Pink the author of Drive makes a solid, science built point regarding motivation 3.0 in his book. For the 21st century, we are in need of more people that allow themselves to have autonomy, purpose and mastery in their life. To become successful and achieve happiness in their careers. Able to look at my future career as a specialist instructor/teacher in a different point of view. After reading the book I was able to understand how I can apply some of these methods to achieve my goals and also be happy in my career. Most of us look at our future and think we need to select a career that can offer us a 6 digit year income, without understanding if that career will bring us satisfaction.
When searching for a career our society is looking for how much money it makes a year and not considering if it’s something they will appreciate for the rest of their lives. Some students are undecided on which path to take when researching careers and then they start by looking at the pay. They start considering a career for the money instead of the aspiration of being satisfied. Pink made me recognize my happiness and health depends on what I will do for the rest of my life. Motivation 3.0 is about me finding autonomy, mastery, and purpose in life. I need to find what brings out my intrinsic motivation

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