
Essay on A Career as a Physician Assisstant

Decent Essays

Physician Assistants are also known as a PA’s; they practice medicine under the direction of physicians and surgeons. They formally trained to examine patients, diagnose injures and illness, and provide treatment. Physician Assistants also evaluate and treat patients under the supervision of doctors and surgeons. A Physician Assistants is a graduate of an accredited Physician Assistant educational program who is nationally certified and state- licensed to practice medicine with the supervision of a physician. Core tasks of a Physician Assistant are they take medical histories and examine patients. They Interpret lab test and make diagnoses, Treat minor injuries with stitches, splints, casts, and prescribes certain medications, The …show more content…

The average length of a Physician Assistant program is 27 months. The majority of a Physician Assistant programs have the following requirements Chemistry, Physiology, Anatomy, Microbiology, and Biology. Practicing Physician Assistant participate in lifelong learning. In order to maintain national certification, a Physician Assistant must complete 100 hours of continuing medical education every two days. There are currently 181 accredited Physician Assistant programs in the United States. The vast majority award master’s degrees. Some skills you need to be a Physician Assistant are you need to be energetic, patient and compassionate and should enjoy working with people of all ages and backgrounds. They should be emotionally mature so that they can empathize with patients. The ethicis of a Physicican Assistant are you have to be committed to provideing complete medcal care, assuming as their primary responsibility th health, safety, welfare and the dignity of all humans. Theyshould also shall deliver needed health care serivices to health consumers without regard to their sex, ge, race, creed, socio- economic and political status. The Physician Assistant should also should take responsibility for being familiar with and adhering to all federal and state laws applicable to the practice of their profession.
A Physician Assistant earning s is in New York outlook for employment is in 2010 there were 9,850 job openings. A Physician

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