
A Christmas Carol Essay

Decent Essays

The topic of this essay made me start to brainstorm about all the books I have read throughout middle school and high school and which books have impacted me. I wanted to pick a piece that actually had a meaning in my life and not just a book that I was forced to read. Out of all the pieces that I have read I wanted to pick one that affected my life in some way. With that said, I decided to write about A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. I first read A Christmas Carol when I was younger but when I really got into the book was in 7th grade. A Christmas Carol was published on December 19, 1843 by Chapman and Hall in London. A Christmas Carol showed me that the choices I make affect me the others around me in more ways than what is happening in that moment, it can affect everyone in the past, present, and the future. It has impacted my life in this way, by how I write and how it makes me think of the past, present, and future while I am writing an essay.
In the book “A Christmas Carol” the protagonist known as Ebenezer Scrooge was very well known throughout the whole plotline. Ebenezer Scrooge was mostly known for being old and grumpy. In the middle of the novel Scrooge is approached by three ghosts, past, present, and future on Christmas eve. The first time he gets unexpectedly visited by the ghosts he runs into an old friend who was also his old business partner whose name was Marley. Marley was just warning Scrooge that he will run into three more ghosts in the next few

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