
A Clockwork Orange Essay: New Testament for American Youth?

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A Clockwork Orange – New Testament for American Youth?

In Anthony Burgess’s A Clockwork Orange, he observes a characteristic of youth that has been documented from the story of Icaris to the movie Rebel without a Cause. Through his ingenious method of examination of this characteristic, the sci-fi novel, he has created an aspect of what he chose to observe: Rebellion.

Our hero, Alex, begins the novel by explaining his mischeviouse exploits in a manner not far from nostalgia, that is tainted with a bit of sarcasm for any bleeding-heart pity one might feel for his victims, as when he recalls his own realization of the importance of the term, "A Clockwork Orange." Alex says of the author and his wife that he "would like to have …show more content…

The slang, Nadsat, is one of the undisputed aspects of genius in the novel, and is constantly used as a divider between people. In the Staja 84F, Alex runs across an old criminal, whom he doesn’t quite get along with, who has his own "old-time real criminal’s slang." As the criminal is describing his difficulty in acquiring a "poggy," Alex interjects with "(whatever that was, brothers)(CO 85)." By pointing out this barrier Alex is showing his contempt for his washed-up cellmate, and illustrating another aspect of the generation gap that even prison cannot bridge. This slang separates him from those older than him, and those younger than him too. The girls in the disc-bootick "had their own way of govoreeting. (CO46)" "Govoreeting" meaning "speaking" in Nadsat. These two devotchkas show that Alex and his subculture are being rendered obsolete even as he is in his prime.

Two versions of this novel

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