
A Comparison Of Cinderella And Grimm's Cinderella

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The first Cinderella came out on February 15, 1950 and has drastically changed many times even to this day. The newest Cinderella is coming out on December 15, 2015. There are between 350 and 1,500 different versions of this story in the world today.The story is based around a kind young lady, who suffers at the hands of her step-family after the death of her mother. In some stories her father is absent, while in other versions he neglects Cinderella. While some similarities between Disney's Cinderella and Grimm's Cinderella are noticeable the differences are pronounced.

In both versions of the story the stepsisters are both mean and evil, and also don't have to do any work at all. They tormented Cinderella into doing all the

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