
A Comparison Of 'Shame,White Lies', And Salvation?

Decent Essays

The Struggle Within
The sense of self-means what that person sees when they look in a mirror, whether it is a decent, awful or an indifferent image. Everyone’s self-image is different, and that’s acceptable, normal even. In the essays “Shame,” “White Lies,” and “Salvation,” written respectively by Dick Gregory, Erin Murphy and Langston Hughes all have a common theme to them. They explain how a sense of self is like internal conflicts and the decision to lie or not to lie to gain approval.
Whether it’s trying to cope with living in poverty, being different from others, or questioning fate; all internal battles that these authors are writing about in their essays. In the essay ‘Shame’ by Dick Gregory, he explains what he must do since he is living in poverty. Nevertheless, his family doesn’t have much money he goes to school on an empty stomach, which makes him fidgety in class. He doesn’t have hardly any food at home so, he does anything he can to eat something, even if it’s not meant for eating, “Paste doesn’t taste too bad when you’re hungry.” (Gregory 165). In another essay ‘White Lies’ by Erin Murphy, the internal battle that Connie, the new girl, has, is being different from others. “Connie is albino…Only her eyelids had color”. (Murphy 154). Nobody looks like Connie and people make fun of her for it. She doesn’t look the same as her family members. She is beside herself with her appearance. The teacher doesn’t stop the bullying either. Everyday Connie hears the same

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